New Board Member

Kelvin Pine
Kelvin Pine

The Burngreave New Deal for Communities (BNDfC) Articles of Association (para 3.9) allows the use of co-option as a method to fill Board vacancies.

In light of one community representative vacancy existing, an article was placed in the Burngreave Messenger asking anyone who was interested in becoming a Board member to register their interest with BNDfC. This process brought forward seven individuals.

All seven individuals were asked to complete a proforma to describe their experience relevant to Board membership and to illustrate their commitment to the Burngreave area.

The completed proformas were considered by the Executive Sub Group on 21 August and it was agreed that Kelvin Pine would be recommended to Board for ratification as the new community representative on the BNDfC Partnership Board.

At their meeting in September the Partnership Board were unanimous in their decision to accept Kelvin Pine as the tenth community representative on the Board. Welcome Kelvin.

This document was last modified on 2008-11-29 19:09:45.
The pages in this section are produced by New Deal. For more information on BNDfC, or you have any comments, please contact 279 6932.