December 2008 Issue 79

- Fir Vale's got talent
On 18th October Fir Vale School hosted the Fir Vale Festival, which brought the whole community together. It drew out all the different talents we have in Fir Vale.
- Petition for a better cemetery
Coupe Road resident, John Duignan, presented over 60 signatures to Full Council in November, protesting about the poor maintenance of Burngreave Cemetry. As one of the first public cemetries, its 27 acres are home to many important habitats
- Northern General emergency traffic measures
Since the Northern General Hospital started charging its staff to park in September 2006, residents have complained about the parking chaos on their streets.
- Messenger editorial
Upcoming writing course
Next issue's deadlines
- Art-work at Nottingham Cliff
In twelve months since the shooting of Jonathan Matondo on Nottingham Rec, there have been community meetings, council meetings, extra police patrols, and a gang strategy. And everyone agreed something should be done in the Park.
- A voice for young people
The Youth Council Burngreave would like more young people to take the opportunity to join this month. The main purpose of this group is to represent other youths in the area for positive change.
- No conviction
A year on from the death of Jonathan Matondo in October 2007, Burngreave resident Negus Nelson was acquitted of his murder after two trials. He was the only person to be charged, despite police claims that more than one person was responsible for the killing. Where does this leave the investigation?
- Determined to be a success
Moshin Khan, who grew up in Burngreave, is one of Brendan Ingle's current prodigies and has been boxing since age 11 with the full support of his family.
- BiG make it your Business
News from Big Business
- Beauty Beneath ladies hair salon
Beauty Beneath ladies hair salon, on Hinde House Lane in Fir Vale, opened at the end of October and is run by Afshan Islam. The salon is soon to expand with beauticians using the upstairs room, thereby giving women one environment for all their beauty requirements.
- Hundreds gather for centre opening
The Pakistan Advice and Community Association opened its new premises on Page Hall Road on 30th October. In a well attended ceremony, around 280 members of the local community met in the centre’s new community space.
- Young advocates in Beijing
Two youth council members from Burngreave went on a life-changing trip to Beijing in September. They joined a global conference of 100 disabled and able-bodied young people from 20 countries, plus 100 youngsters from China.
- New Deal – the end in sight
In September, Burngreave New Deal for Communities announced it would be cutting existing and planned projects. The programme was over-committed by £2.6million, meaning more spending was planned than covered by Government funding. On top of this the Government made an extra cut of over £880,000, resulting in a possible overspend of £3.4 million.
- Realising the dream
On the 20th January 2009, Barack Obama will be inaugurated as the first black president of the USA. Preparations are under way to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day in the light of this historic occasion.
- St Catherine’s Living Library
“St. Catherine’s Catholic Primary School recently held a living library in our school hall, which was a great success. We had lots of visitors to the library to meet with our ‘living’ books.”
- Walk good
Walk good is a Jamaican phrase which simply means ‘have a good journey’. One of the most memorable journeys taken by Jamaicans over sixty years ago was that on the “Windrush” ship in 1948.
- Tom turns ninety
Tom Gould, celebrates his 90th birthday on the 16th December. Born in 1918 on Botham Street, off Grimesthorpe Road, Tom is one of the oldest residents on the Firshill estate.
- St Catherine’s reopening
On Sunday 12th October, a beautiful sunny morning, St Catherine’s Church re-opened after major refurbishments.
- Watoto opening
The new Watoto Pre- School centre was officially opened by the boxer Johnny Nelson.
- Byron Wood celebrates Eid
On Friday 10th October the whole school gathered to watch a short role play by year 5 and year 6 pupils. The play demonstrated how Muslims celebrate Eid.
- “He who plants a tree plants hope”
On Saturday 8th November 2008 on Nottingham Rec, people gathered to carry out improvements to their park, planting three new trees in the park
- New second hand shop
A new charity shop, Rainbow’s End Burngreave, is opening in Sorby House in the old Ladbrokes shop on Spital Hill. It will soon be a registered charity and is run by a group of local people.
- Children’s Centre Gold Award
Ellesmere Children’s Centre is the first community based childcare centre in Sheffield to achieve the Gold Standard for quality of service.
- Lib Dem cuts for Burngreave
The area panel meeting of 9th October 2008, at St Catherine’s School on Roe Lane, was unusual in having a Lib-Dem councillor present: Councillor David Baker had come to present the plans for the new regime of community assemblies. It was not well received.
- Masterplan in trouble
The Council’s 2005 masterplan for regenerating housing in Burngreave and Fir Vale included demolition and rebuilding of homes on Woodside, Ellesmere, Catherine St, Skinnerthorpe Road and Earl Marshal. There were also plans to demolish and rebuild shops in Fir Vale.
- Tesco to start next year
In a presentation for the Area Panel in November 2008, Tesco revealed that building on the Spital Hill store could start in October 2009, with the store open around the beginning of 2011.
- Verdon Race walkers
Following the success of the Race for Life in June 2008, local walkers continued training and Activity Sheffield organised a walk at Wentworth Castle in Barnsley.
- Parkwood Academy result
Parents have voted by over 2 to 1 in favour of Parkwood School becoming an Academy, but on a low turnout.
- Creative Outpost in the Chapel
If you happened to be strolling through Burngreave Cemetery on Friday 10th of October, you may have stumbled across a very positive and eclectic group of people. ‘Creative Outpost’ is a multitalented group of volunteers who are motivated by the revival of Burngreave’s Chapel and Cemetery. They see it being used in diverse and electrifying ways.
- Companions Club closes
The Sheffield Companions Club on Barnsley Road finally closed in October. The ground floor area has now opened as a wholesale and retail Halal Butchers.
- Dreams to Reality
When Kier Hodson dreamed up a “50 word saga” for a school competition, he never imagined it would end up in print!
- Inspirational Films
Over 30 people came to the Vestry Hall on October 14th to participate in Transition Sheffield's 3×3 Film Festival
- The Unstoppable Volunteer
Sylvia Pennington is a woman with a mission, or to be more precise, several missions. She has lived in Burngreave since the 1940’s, worked and raised a family here, had more than her fair share of personal tragedy to face but has remained cheerful and committed to helping other people around her.
- Kashmir Earthquake fund
On Monday 10th November, members of the Kashmir Earthquake Relief fund were delighted to receive cheques for £12,150 from Councillor Jackie Drayton.
- Firvale Pumpkin of the Year
Sunday 26th October 2008 saw the Firvale Pumpkin of the Year Championship take place. The event, officiated by Barry Ashmoore and Kevin Cooper, took place at Wincobank allotments.
- Carwood Halloween Party
Wicked witches, ghouls and spooks gathered at the Carwood Community Room on Halloween.
- Green City Action News
Latest news from Green City Action including:
Green Carwood
Mission Accomplished
Tool Bank opening hours
- A New Deal for Burngreave
News from Burngreave New Deal for Communities including:
Programme review
Children's festive party
New board member
Legacy not History
New rules on spend
Small grants scheme
Free office furniture and equipment
- Burngreave Area Panel
Latest news from the Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel, including:
Councillors' Surgery Dates
Details of the next Area Panel meeting
- Muslim graves in Burngreave Cemetery
We may think that multicultural Burngreave is a fairly recent thing, but a collection of graves of Muslim people in Burngreave cemetery dating from 70 to 80 years ago shows how long Burngreave has been a mixed community.
- Muslims in Britain
The arrival in Britain of large numbers of Indian, Arab and Somali Muslims at the turn of the century was due to their role in the British merchant navy.
- Dear Messenger
Readers' letters:
Well Done Kyle
A Day Trip to Cleethorpes – 1949
The Pain of Losing a Child
Road Improvement Suggestions
A Knitting Request
- Diverted Traffic?
Following road works on Nottingham Street and Pilgim Street, workers left behind their traffic diversion signs.
- Why spend Christmas alone?
An invitation to a free Christmas dinner with friends.
- BCAF: Past, Present, Future?
BCAF Quarterly Forum Meeting, Saturday 6th December 2008.
- Sing through the winter
An opportunity to join a friendly, informal women’s group, that will focus on the positive mental health benefits of singing together.
- Burngreave Electric Challenge Gala
Burngreave Electric Challenge Gala, Saturday December 13th 2008.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2008-11-27 14:51:45.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 15:13:54.
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Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.