Join the Friends

Tom Barnard and Ingrid Gillson
Tom Barnard and Ingrid Gillson

Story: Ingrid Gillson, Friends of Osgathorpe Park

The Friends of Osgathorpe Park (Foop) were formed around five years ago and now consist of five members of the local community. Foop work in close partnership with the Council’s Parks and Countryside Service, particularly Moira Walker. We have been working hard to make the park a safe and accessible place and our achievements include:

We consulted local residents, Fir Vale Youth Group, Fir Vale School, Burngreave Youth Council and the wider community.

Foop's current focus is the regeneration of the area next to the pavilion to install an Active Play Zone (Multi-use play area or MUGA), with raked seating to overlook it. The plans for this were featured in June's edition of the Messenger. A climbing boulder is also planned, for the 9-14 year olds, and a mural has been commissioned for the pavilion wall.

As a member of Foop, I gain a huge sense of satisfaction and pride walking round the park (usually with a litter-picker and dustbin bag) on a summer’s evening, watching my child and others using the play equipment, parents sat on the picnic benches, listening to the cricketers’ bats striking the ball and the loud booming cheer that follows. I smile and think to myself, I was part of the group that made this place better.

As Foop members all work and have family commitments, we are seeking to recruit more willing volunteers to do as much or as little as they can. Everyone has skills they can bring, from occasional litter picks to filling in forms for funding our work. It’s not all work: we have fun too and can often be seen at the Kashmir and Mangla!

Please contact Foop on or Moira Walker at Parks and Countryside Service on 273 6952.

This document was last modified on 2008-07-21 14:43:10.