Advocacy Now

Mrs A suffers from medical conditions including renal failure and receives kidney dialysis twice a week. She was struggling to get to an upstairs bathroom, but could not access help as Mrs A speaks no English. Our bi-lingual advocate supported the client through an assessment by the Aids and Adaptations Dept at the Council.

Mrs A had a stair lift fitted in her house and is now able to reach her bathroom without difficulty. The advocate supported Mrs A with the making the initial application, during the assessment visit by the occupational therapist and maintained contact with client until the lift was installed.

Mrs A is now better able to manage her disability and has an increased sense of well being as a result. Mrs A said, “I'm very happy with this service. The worker was supportive and helped me till I got what I needed”.

Find out more about the Burngreave Advocacy Now project by calling 275 0262.

This document was last modified on 2008-07-17 20:51:35.
The pages in this section are produced by New Deal. For more information on BNDfC, or you have any comments, please contact: Alison Reid, Communication Manager. Email: Telephone:(0114) 279 6932. Address: BNDfC, 1st Floor, Speedicut Works, Harleston Street, Sheffield, S4 7QB. Website: