This is what the children say about their study support group:
Lyn Muzulu (13 years old girl):
SADACCA Study Support has opened my eyes to a fun way of improving my academic skills. The teachers support you and help you on a one to one basis. It has improved my confidence and public speaking, due to the Wednesday group sessions.
Lamar Daughma (11 years old boy):
Study support is a great place for you to learn and play and to build your self confidence.
Nwanneka Osammor (12 years old girl):
SADACCA Study Support is a great place for help with work, homework & revision. It has made me very confident in my work that I have improved my grades a lot. On Mondays & Tuesdays we have worked & homework sessions, on Wednesday we play games and public speaking which increases my confidence.
Chernice Angel-Whyte (6 years old girl):
SADACCA Study Support, I am really grateful for everything like playing games and I really like to learn a lot.
Shanelle Jackson (11 years old girl):
SADACCA has helped me in many ways, such as maths and English, It’s also helped me with my confidence and I have learnt many songs!
Joshua Lewis (13 years old boy):
At SADACCA Study Support there is always someone around to help you with your school work when u gets stuck.
Marcus Angel-Whyte (8 years old boy):
SADACCA is a place for meeting new people and learning many skills!
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