Green City Action News

At work in Devon Gardens
At work in Devon Gardens

Deliver it green…

Nottingham and Devon revamped by stewards

Much of our time in the last couple of months has been spent delivering a number of improvements at Nottingham Cliff Recreation Ground.

Nathan, our apprentice, has been working with young people in the area. They have come up with a list of improvements they would like to see in the park.

DIG stewards have been:

Devon Gardens has also received a lot of steward attention lately with the railings being repaired and painted, overgrown shrubs pruned back, self set trees cleared, new benches and bins installed, flower beds reinstated and lots of TLC administered by the stewards.

If you would like to get involved at either of these sites then get in touch with your Deliver It Green team on 244 0353.

This document was last modified on 2008-04-07 14:35:05.
Green City Action: Telephone: (0114) 244 0353.