Cherry Tree Planting

Cherry Tree
Cherry Tree

Story: Christine Steers

Thanks to Sheffield Small Grants Panel, the Friends of Burngreave Chapel and Cemetery were able to plant 30 wild cherry trees in the form of an avenue along a popular path in the Cemetery.

Many people had requested more trees in this beautiful place and so on Sunday 16th March, Tinsley Tree Project, with guidance from Mr Tim Shortland, were starting the process.

The Lord and Lady Mayor arrived at 1.30pm. After a short tour of the Chapel, they proceeded to the planting area, followed by a small but keen crowd of local people. The Lord Mayor spoke about the beauty of the grounds and how it was a valuable space for quiet contemplation.

He then helped the first tree into its prepared hole. They departed and the rest of us returned to the Chapel for a cup of tea and a biscuit. The remaining trees will be planted in the next few weeks. We look forward to seeing them in bloom next year.

This document was last modified on 2008-04-05 15:33:20.