Adventure Bounces Back

Bouncy castle fun
Bouncy castle fun

Story: Rohan Francis

It’s been a tough year at Pitsmoor Adventure Playground, with delays to plans for a new building and rumours about cut backs. Thanks to staff and volunteers’ efforts it’s really bouncing back.

Under 5's party
Under 5's party

Under 5’s launch party

Staff organised a big party in February with two bouncy castles and a lantern making workshop with local artist Patrick Amber. The new play equipment never arrived but no one was too disappointed. The playground was alive with over 250 children who enjoyed all sorts of fun and games, and completed a huge hammer head shark lantern.

Easter Party

The new play equipment finally arrived in March and was installed in time for the Easter Party. Children descended on the site just in time to see Jackie Drayton cut the ribbon on the new facilities and lend her expertise to the official starting of the eagerly awaited ‘Easter Egg Hunt’.

Extended hours

Streetworx launched a pilot project to open the playground for 14 – 19 year olds on Tuesdays and Fridays, 8-10pm. The first of these sessions was another success as around 30 young people gathered to play pool, table tennis and football.

Plans for a new building

A new building for the playground has been discussed for years. There has been some progress, despite initial drafts being turned down by the planning department and the users group. Further meetings are planned with Council architects and planners in April. To find out more come along to the next users group meeting on 10th April, 7pm at the Playground.


The Messenger would like to hear from anyone who remembers playing here as a child or was involved in its construction or the famous fundraising efforts during the early 1980s. Contact us on 242 0564.

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground users group meeting
7:00pm to 8:00pm Thursday 10 April 2008
This document was last modified on 2008-04-06 19:02:45.