Setting the Record Straight ...

Partnership Board
Partnership Board

Readers may be aware that in recent months ‘The Star’ newspaper has run a series of articles criticising the Burngreave New Deal for Communities regeneration programme. Unfortunately, some of the reporting has been inaccurate and eventually the BNDfC Partnership Board has decided to respond to those articles by setting the record straight.

That has been done by addressing the points raised by The Star in an edition of ‘I Live in Burngreave’ which has been delivered to all households in our area.

We have also responded directly to The Star with the letter which is reproduced in full on our website.

As a result of the articles, on 6th February, Liberal Democrat councillors put a resolution before the City Council asking for an investigation into the matters raised by the press. Our own local Councillors were solid in their defence of the programme as they are involved and are aware of the good work being achieved.

BNDfC have always said they will co-operate fully with any such investigation. The results of that investigation will be made public when the Council meets again in June 2008. That investigation will cover the questions raised by the Burngreave Messenger in their last editorial.

Once that independent enquiry is complete BNDfC will respond publicly to its findings.

Our primary message to everyone in this is that we’d really appreciate people coming to talk to us to find out anything they want to know about the programme. If you have any questions about our programme please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on telephone number 279 6932.

This document was last modified on 2008-04-05 17:04:57.
The pages in this section are produced by New Deal. For more information on BNDfC, or you have any comments, please contact: Alison Reid, Communication Manager. Email: Telephone:(0114) 279 6932. Address: BNDfC, 1st Floor, Speedicut Works, Harleston Street, Sheffield, S4 7QB. Website: