Join the worldwide climate protest

Climate change protest

Story: Kate Stott

Climate change is a global issue but its impact will be felt at a very local level. Instances of extreme weather will become more frequent as a result. That means more flooding of the type that brought chaos to Burngreave in June this year. That’s one reason why I’ve got Saturday 8th December marked in my diary. On this day hundreds of thousands of people from across the world will be out on the streets.

Demonstrations and events in over 40 countries will call for politicians to co-ordinate urgent and radical action to tackle climate change. The third annual International Day of Climate Protest, scheduled to coincide with the UN Climate Talks in Bali, Indonesia, will be the biggest yet.

Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today, with predictions that by the end of the century temperature changes worldwide could be as high as 6.4C. Rising global temperatures will bring changes in weather patterns and rising sea levels as well as increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.

The UK's National Climate March in London will demand that world leaders take action together now to avert the ecological catastrophe that threatens billions of people, especially those living in the world's most vulnerable communities. You can be part of the worldwide day of action by joining SCACC (Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change) on the London March to call for an effective and equitable, all-inclusive emissions reduction treaty.

“Last year we sent three coachloads of campaigners to the March, this year we want to double that and make it six,” says SCACC's Rebecca Bryson. A coach pick-up point in Burngreave could be arranged if there’s enough interest.

If you are interested in getting involved or would like further information please contact Rebecca by phone on 07870 565011 or by email at

This document was last modified on 2007-10-31 16:48:35.