"We were told that objections were pointless"

Dear Messenger,

I would like to express my opinions and concerns regarding the previous article in the August 07 issue, as immediate local residents we are directly affected and were not asked for comment in this previous article.

I would like to commence with the brief history of this mosque, it was initially established approximately 1998 in the current building 306 Barnsley Road/2 Osgathorpe Road which were previously converted bed sits, at that time it was felt that a small mosque would benefit the local community and was managed for this reason, over the next few years with the purchase of the adjacent property 304 Barnsley Rd and the appointment of a new Imaam (priest) , a new madrassa was established, again the objective was to serve the local community.

There has been a gradual increment in the size of the madrassa and the current situation is that approximately 800 children are taught there within the two buildings and approximately 10 porter cabins on site.

The planning proposal aims to address this situation by incorporating a new purpose built building a section of this will be the mosque, the adjacent multipurpose recreational hall, and two upper floors comprising of class rooms.

There have been no consultations with local neighbours prior to submission of the plans and the representatives invited us to view them post submission to the council. Although we expressed our concerns the representatives of the mosque committee clearly stated that they would not be altered. Coincidently we we told that objections were pointless and that they would not affect the plans, we were also pressured not to object in a further unforwarned meeting with them, there was also further intimidation on other local residents that objected, this is contrary to the statement made in the previous article.

As local residents we have issues of utmost concern, privacy, noise, the immediate proximity and massing of the building and off street parking, these issues of parking and noise will consequently surmount to unbearable proportions.

There may be a need to improve the current facilities but this is not the only solution, incorporating so many facilities in a confined area immediate to residential properties will cause problems and you undoubtedly see them in the objection letters, why an alternative site cannot be used is an opportunity missed and beyond comprehension. There is so much expence having it on the existing site with demolition and erection of a new building.

The mosque representatives are adamant to have the building on the current location despite strong objections which raises concerns, is it for the benefit of the local community or simply a venture for self interest of a few individuals?

Incidentally it also defies the principle on which this mosque was established and that was it would serve the locals, together with a small teaching facility and no recreation community functions.

We hope the council will use a logical and sensitive approach on this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Mr.M.Khan and Mr M.M.Khan

P.S. A revision plan has been submitted to the council and people can view them and write in accordingly.

This document was last modified on 2007-09-26 20:00:45.