BCAF celebrates tenth anniversary

Burngreave Community Action Forum celebrated its tenth birthday on Saturday 6th October 2007 at its Quarterly Forum Meeting held at the Vestry Hall. Approximately thirty people attended the meeting from the start.

David Blunkett MP opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees. “I’d like to welcome everyone to the newly-refurbished Vestry Hall. I’m proud to be here,” he said, before leaving shortly afterwards.

Celebrations for the anniversary also included a birthday cake, baked by Betty Smalley, for which the attendees were very grateful. Also, about halfway through the meeting, Francis and Diz Feeley, founding members of the Forum, turned up and played “Happy Birthday” on bagpipes, complete with traditional full kilt.

This provided a backdrop to the usual business of the quarterly meetings, which this quarter included a presentation from City of Sanctuary and an opportunity to address what BCAF would like BNDfC’s priorities to be during the next year. There was also a quiz held, with the prize being a copy of Burngreave Voices signed by David Blunkett MP.

A guided tour of the Vestry Hall was also conducted, providing an additional opportunity to see the building following the community open day which was held on Thursday 4th October.

This document was last modified on 2007-10-10 16:15:21.