Pitsmoor Surgery extension launch

Pitsmoor Surgery Launch
Pitsmoor Surgery Launch

Story: Anne Grange

Pitsmoor Surgery hasn’t changed much from the front. Its distinctive pointed roof and neon sign of the pharmacy next door has been a landmark on Burngreave Road for nearly twenty years. However, major extension work has enabled it to provide more services to Burngreave residents – almost eight thousand local people are currently registered with the Pitsmoor Surgery.

The new extension building more than doubles the space of the original surgery, with seven new consulting rooms and more office space to accommodate new patients and for training new doctors as general practitioners. There is also more space for specialist services such as physiotherapy and midwifery.

On Monday 23rd April, Pitsmoor Surgery held an impressive opening ceremony with around seventy guests, including the Lord Mayor Jackie Drayton, Chief Executive of Sheffield Primary Care Trust Jan Sobieraj and Chief Excecutive of Burngreave New Deal for Communities John Clark. Retired doctors Dr Tyson and Dr Kershaw, who worked at Pitsmoor Surgery for many years also came to celebrate a new era in medical services in Burngreave.

Dr William Carlile showed me around the new part of the surgery, which was completed last autumn. He explained that the staff had waited to settle in and sort out any glitches until the extension was officially opened.

“The extension gives us the freedom to provide more services and allows us to be more flexible,” he explained, as he showed me round. I was impressed by the space and use of natural light. “Standards of treatment have improved. Rooms that we considered large eighteen years ago now seem small and cramped. It’s a good balance of clinical safety and creating a comfortable personal environment for staff and patients.”

Practice Manager, David Emmas told me that the decision to extend the surgery, due to lack of space and facilities was made in 2002. Burngreave New Deal for Communities funded a feasibility study, enabling some funding to be drawn down from Sheffield Primary Care Trust. Sheffield Deanery, a Health Authority organisation that specialises in training Post Graduate Doctors contributed to the cost of two of the rooms to provide extra training capacity. The doctors who are partners in the Practice also took out a loan to fund the extension, which was designed by Barry Price Architects. “It cost an awful lot,” he said. “We had our hearts set on a light, airy and accessible building that was finished to a high standard. The project has also involved an upgrade of the existing building to the same standard”

As Jackie Drayton unveiled the plaque, she said “I love living in Burngreave. This building shows everyone that Burngreave is great place to live, with great facilities.” John Clark told me: “this shows the services in Burngreave are as good as anywhere in the city – and quality buildings like this reflect that. It’s an environment where people feel valued and respected.”

This document was last modified on 2007-05-03 15:32:24.