Wicker developments

Proposed Pocket Park on Nursey Street
Proposed Pocket Park on Nursey Street
Proposed renovated Wicker Arches viewed from Spital Hill
Proposed renovated Wicker Arches viewed from Spital Hill
Apartments and offices on Blonk Street
Apartments and offices on Blonk Street

Plans for the Wicker were revealed on 15th May 2007 at SADACCA, with a small window of opportunity to have your say.

The multi-million pound developments on both sides of the Wicker have already started with the building on Blonk Street. Funding of £2.8million is in place for new paving, street lights, trees, parking bays and bus shelters for the Wicker to commence this summer.


Redevelopment of many buildings for apartments and business, pocket parks and street cafés seem to be the intention, but funding and investment are needed. A multi-storey car park is set for Stanley St.

Cut off?

In response to concerns that the Ring Road will cut Burngreave off, Senior planning officer Simon Ogden told us Spital Hill will return to two-way traffic soon. Buses will get priority into town from Spital Hill and pedestrian access should be improved, but access to the Wicker by car will be difficult.

Wholesale demolition and rebuilding is only one aspect of the commercial sector growing on the North side of the city centre. Plans for the sprucing up of Spital Hill are being discussed with separate plans for Tesco’s new store. Now a £400 million plan by private developers for the Corporation St area has been agreed, including office space and apartments, bars, restaurants, a hotel – and another supermarket. To comment on the Wicker developments, contact Sue McGrail of SCC on 273 4404.

This document was last modified on 2007-06-04 16:09:40.