One Love Festival news

Burngreave Problem Busters (BPB) is inviting individuals and organisations to participate in this years Osgathorpe Jam ‘One Love’ Festival, to be held Sunday 22nd July 2007 between 1 – 8pm on Osgathorpe Park, Earl Marshall Recreation Grounds.

The festival will provide an opportunity for people and organisations to directly engage with the wider Burngreave community, promote the positive and wonderful work they are doing and to enjoy a relaxing and entertaining day.

Some of the ways to get involved is by making a donation, running a stall, providing games, competitions, bouncy castle or a workshop – the choice is entirely yours – but any contribution made will be greatly appreciated.

Please send your completed booking forms to the address indicated on the form itself.

The festival will focus on creating successful community cohesion and is managed by the ‘One Love’ festival planning group that includes local residents, groups and organisations etc.

This is BPB’s 7th year of managing this event, which has become bigger and better each year and has now become an annual event that everyone within the community looks forward to.

For more information, contact:

Aisha Special K Wilson, BPB Chair

Osgathorpe Jam ‘One Love’ Festival
1:00pm to 8:00pm Sunday 22 July 2007
This document was last modified on 2007-06-07 17:17:29.