ICT 4 Life go mobile!

On the ICT bus
On the ICT bus
Computer access
Computer access

Story: Anne Grange

Fir Vale-based training organisation ICT4Life are celebrating another milestone in their success, with the launch of their new training bus, which is going on tour in South Yorkshire to promote literacy and numeracy! The first destination for the bus was the Burngreave Celebrates Learning Festival on Saturday 19th May.

Learning co-ordinator Sarah Eccles explained:

“This is the third year we’ve had a contract with Learn Direct, and we’re doing something to help people who want to brush up their English and Maths skills.”

The bus will park up in a certain location and people will be able to drop in, get an assessment of their skills and take the National Tests in English and Maths within a week. The bus also offers a “spotlight challenge” – a fifteen minute quiz on English or Maths, with TV presenter Eammon Holmes.

Sarah said:

“The idea is to boost the confidence of people who use maths and English skills in everyday life and encourage them to get qualifications. Many key workers, such as teaching assistants and nurses now need to have a level 2 qualification (GCSE Level A-C or equivalent), so this training will help people to get jobs.”

The bus is the old SWEAT training vehicle (Sheffield Women’s Enterprise and Training), but has had a complete makeover, new computers and a satellite Internet connection installed.

ICT4Life was established two years ago by local man Abdul Taha and has gone from strength to strength.

For more information about brushing up your English and Maths at ICT4Life, call 0800 047 0606 or e-mail: info@ict4life.org

This document was last modified on 2007-06-05 16:24:32.