Abbeyfield Park Multicultural Festival 2007

The ninth Abbeyfield Park Multicultural Festival takes place on Sunday 8th July 2007, thanks to the support of Burngreave New Deal for Communities.

The headlining band is Celloman, supported by world fusion band Peyoti for President and performances by Easy D & MC Rush, Jam Down Runnings, Ellesmere Youth Project, Firs Hill School and Bollywood Dancers.

Get your skates on and enjoy activities, including an outdoor ice rink, great music and fabulous food.

To book a stall, perform at the festival or volunteer to help GCA on the day, please call Bob on (0114) 244 0353.

There will be no door-to-door collections of money. If anybody calls asking for donations, please refuse politely and contact the police.

This document was last modified on 2007-06-04 11:23:43.