Festival weather

It looks like the rain will hold off for the Abbeyfield Multicultural Festival on Monday 8th July 2007. The forecast is sunny intervals and the recent winds should die down to a gentle breeze.

Large tents brought in

The festival organisers are taking no chances, as the main stage will be replaced with a large marque. Festival coordinator, Bob Worm, told the Messenger,

“The park has taken alot of rain and the ground is just too soft for the trailer the main stage comes on. It would simply sink into the mud and we wouldn't be able to get it out. So we've ordered several large tents, it does mean that if there is any rain, people will be dry.”

To find out more about the weather in the next five days, here's a link to the BBC weather centre


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The content on this page was added to the website by Lisa Swift on 2007-07-06 08:45:10.
The content of the page was last modified by Lisa Swift on 2007-07-06 09:04:08.

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