The Festival has now been cancelled, a rescheduled date will be announced in the near future. See our article Abbeyfield Park Festival cancelled
Abbeyfield Multicultural Festival 2007

The ninth Abbeyfield Park Multicultural Festival takes place on Sunday 8th July, between 1pm and 6pm at Abbeyfield Park.
This year the festival will host a variety of stalls, a fantastic range of food and all sorts of activities, including an outdoor ice rink. Amongst the acts providing musical entertainment will be Celloman, returning this year as the headline band:
They'll be supported by Peyoti for President:
And also performances by Easy D & MC Rush, Jam Down Runnings, Ellesmere Youth Project, Firs Hill School and Bollywood Dancers.
For further information about the festival call Green City Action on (0114) 244 0353.
Firs Hill Fury make the main stage
Abbeyfield Park was filled with the sound of drums on the 20th June as Firs Hill Fury Drummers wowed a small crowd with their impressive rhythms.
The young drummers were auditioning to perform at the festival. The band have been warming up with regular practice sessions at Firs Hill School, this paid off as festival organisers gave them the thumbs up for a place on the main stage.
Festival build up
Preparations for the festival began this week as the park was given a spruce up before the stage arrives. Watch this space for photo updates of its progress.
What will the weather do?
See what the weather has instore for the next five days on the BBC weather website:
More information about the forecast and the affects on the festival can be found in ‘festival weather’.
Festival coverage
Here are a selection of photos from last years festival.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Rohan Francis
2007-07-01 22:47:22.
The content of the page was last modified by
Lisa Swift
2007-07-06 15:10:08.
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