Mystery Shopper opportunities in Burngreave

Mystery shopping is about using residents to assess and report back on their experiences of using services and organisations. This empowers residents to work hand in hand with those providing or managing the services to deliver the best possible services.

BNDfC want to train residents to be mystery shoppers to ensure local people are receiving a high quality service from those services and organisations currently being funded by New Deal. If you live in the New Deal area and are over 16 years of age, you can be involved.

Mystery shopping is a great way to develop new skills and you will be helping to improve the services for everyone in the Burngreave area.

It will also give you the opportunity to meet other local people wanting to do the same. After the first 8 training sessions you will receive £20 per session for the next 8 sessions.

We can also help you with child care and can meet other costs, such as bus fares.

Further information

Please contact: Farid Abdulla on: 07917 014 313, or email or Anab Awil on (0114) 292 0464.

This document was last modified on 2007-02-04 19:09:02.
The pages in this section are produced by New Deal. For more information on BNDfC, or you have any comments, please contact: Alison Reid, Communication Manager. Email: Telephone:(0114) 279 6932. Address: BNDfC, 1st Floor, Speedicut Works, Harleston Street, Sheffield, S4 7QB. Website: