Gower update

The Gower Arms
The Gower Arms

The Gower – the pub in the centre of Burngreave – remains open. In our November 2006 issue, we reported on new conditions the police wanted to see in place to address their concerns (see Gower under pressure). Sheffield City Council’s licensing board met on January 9th 2007 to review the licence and decided the pub can still open as long as certain conditions were met.

Customers can now expect to see regular door staff and, shortly, new CCTV will be installed. The Messenger spoke to Linda Flemming, supervisior at the pub.

“We’ve had to brick up the toilet window, and fasten the lids on the toilet cisterns down – it looks like a prison. No drinks are allowed outside and we can’t put tables on the pavement. It’s not fair, people have always sat outside.”

Two door staff will be on duty on Friday and Saturday nights to search people who enter, and CCTV must be installed outside. Landlord Vernon Solomon told the Messenger:

“There are no cameras yet, we’re waiting to hear if we’ve got a grant for the new CCTV. No children are allowed at the moment but that should be reviewed in the next 3 months.We’re hoping all the conditions will be reviewed and downgraded.”

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The content on this page was added to the website by Derrick Okrah on 2007-02-01 10:54:41.
The content of the page was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2007-02-04 15:42:38.

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