Ellesmere Youth Project, which has been providing quality youth work in the Carwood and Ellesmere area for 10 years, have announced that, due to lack of funding, they are having to make their senior youth worker redundant.
End of an era for Ellesmere Youth Project

Lorraine Blake started working with the Project as a volunteer and has been employed for the last 5 years. Her work with young people has provided them with a trusted adult they can relate to. She has also had a major role in developing the young people’s dance and singing skills, which have been showcased at events such as Abbeyfield Park Festival; Sheffield Black History Month and Martin Luther King Day Celebrations.
The Project’s funding through Church Urban Fund and New Deal has come to an end and a bid to the Lottery Young People’s Fund was unsuccessful. Project Co-ordinator Jenny Tibbles said: “We are committed to providing long-term, quality work with young people in the area, but many funders will fund for 3 years at the most; meaning that we are constantly having to apply for funding, at the same time as developing work with young people.”
Ellesmere Youth Project started in 1997 from St Peter’s Church in Ellesmere, sending youth workers onto the streets and building relationships with young people not involved with existing youth activities. Thanks to the commitment, faith and vision of local people, the project grew from being volunteer run to becoming a registered charity and employing local people as youth workers and coordinator. Chris Bristow, trustee, said:
“Yet again, young people are the ones who suffer. We are creating a shallow future if we are not able to invest in young people.”
All involved with Ellesmere Youth Project would like to thank Lorraine for all her hard work and commitment over the years. We wish her every success for the future.
Ellesmere Youth Project has funding until the end of the summer 2007 and is waiting for the outcome of three funding bids. Anyone interested in helping as a volunteer youth worker; with funding or management, please contact Jenny on 243 5854 or 07886 777 068.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2007-02-02 16:19:02.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2007-02-04 17:42:14.
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