Messenger Abolishes Christmas!

Dear Editorial Collective,

The December issue of the Burngreave Messenger, covering as it does the period of the Christmas and New Year festivals, is startling in its lack of any editorial mention whatever of either of these events, or of the sense of anticipation and excitement which leads up to them. New Year is of major cultural importance to all Scots, and Christmas is of major cultural and religious significance to very many people living in this borough, albeit we are not required to be Christian – though many are – or Scottish in order to eagerly anticipate and participate in these ancient festivals. The decision to “abolish” them is perverse.

It is not credible to believe that the total lack of coverage of these events, the complete failure to acknowledge their existence, is a mistake. This is a decision consciously made by the editorial collective or by an authority at the back of it. If the latter then we are entitled to ask how much editorial autonomy the collective has. How much responsibility does it owe to the community it addresses? Who is the piper playing this particular tune?

A happy albeit belated New Year to all readers.

D. Harrop

Ed: If you have information about Christmas or other events, please send it in and we will happily publish it.

This document was last modified on 2007-02-02 18:48:39.