Missing post box

Vanishing postbox
Vanishing postbox

Story: Ian Clifford, Cartoon: Patrick Amber

Some months ago, at the start of the “Better Buses” Scheme, the post box on Burngreave Road, near the junction with Melrose Road, disappeared.

When the Messenger first made enquiries, Sheffield City Council gave assurances that the post box would be returned when the work was complete.

Many months later – no post box. Enquiries resulted in SCC media spokesperson, Natalie Johnson, claiming that the re-siting of the post box was not the Council’s responsibility, passing the buck to the Post Office.

When the Messenger rang the Post Office, a very laid-back employee explained that it was very difficult to site a post box these days and that you needed planning permission from the Council. Anyway, he said, if there was a post box within 500 metres, they might not bother to replace it at all.

It seems a shame that, while the Council celebrates the Better Buses scheme, another service deteriorates in Pitsmoor, with all those responsible passing the buck.

This document was last modified on 2007-11-30 17:42:02.