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December 2007 Issue 73

Full index
- Rest in Peace, Jonathan
The funeral of Jonathan Matondo was held on 23rd November 2007. Hundreds of mourners gathered at St Catherine’s Catholic Church to pay their last respects to the young resident shot dead on 17th October 2007 in Nottingham Cliff Park.
- Burngreave Streetworx Project
Streetworx Project has been working hard to support and engage young people aged 13–19 on the streets of Burngreave.
- Missing post box
Some months ago, at the start of the “Better Buses” Scheme, the post box on Burngreave Road, near the junction with Melrose Road, disappeared.
- Post Office closures
Our three local post offices face possible closure by November 2008.
- The Editorial
There’s so much going on in Burngreave that we just can’t fit it all in the Messenger. Our website is now full of extra articles, extra photos and up to date news.
- Cash machine installed at Ellesmere
A new cash machine has been installed close to Ellesmere Green, outside the Post Office, operated by the Bank Of Ireland.
- Traffic chaos as new road opens
On Monday 19th November 2007, the new Inner Relief Road opened, crossing The Wicker at the bottom of Spital Hill, and on the same day the Better Buses scheme in Burngreave was launched. The Messenger has learned of a catalogue of problems relating to this issue.
- Youth housing support fails
On the night Jonathan Matondo was killed, it wasn’t the only shooting incident. Earlier that day, residents of Melrose Road heard shots being fired into the young people’s flats belonging to Arches Housing Association and managed by Stonham. Since then, all but one of the residents have been moved out, and the flats boarded up.
- Gus John speaks
Applause reverberated around Verdon Street following the speech by Professor Gus John at the Peace and Reconciliation meeting organised by Rob Smith and the African and African- Caribbean Committee (AACC).
- Young Voices
Since the tragic death of Jonathan many young people have expressed their feelings of sadness, grief and loss. Streetworx, Burngreave Youth Council and The Messenger have gathered some young people’s feelings, views and ideas for the future.
- Andy on Sheffield Live!
Sheffield Live was officially launched on 29th October 2007 after becoming the first ever full time community radio station in Sheffield to be granted an FM licence.
- Thieves strike local landmark
Winnie Bentley has lived at the Toll Bar House at the top of Burngreave Road for 32 years. Built in 1836, the house is a Grade II listed building. As with many other old buildings, there was lead on the roof, but in July 2007, for the first time in the house’s history, this lead was stolen.
- More is happening at school
Four local primary schools now have new extended school support workers. Extended schools means more activities in schools for parents, children and the community, from computer courses to breakfast clubs to belly dancing to keep fit. Evidence shows if you get involved with schools, your children will do better. So go on, contact your local extended school support worker and ask them for information or better still tell them what you want!
- Thursday football
I spoke with Youth Worker Omer Mohammed who, with Imran Ali, runs football sessions every week. Omer stated: “I have been delivering this evening football session for about five years now. Sheffield Futures, who I work for, and Activity Sheffield, that Imran works for, have joined resources to run these sessions.”
- Earl Marshall Junior Football Club
New soccer coaching sessions for Y1 at Firs Hill School, Wednesday 6-7pm.
- Active Apprentices
Arriving at Verdon Street Rec I am greeted by Ayesha, the friendly and capable apprentice receptionist. A local resident, Ayesha says she enjoys “every single part” of her job, and is busy welcoming visitors and facilitating children’s activities.
- School Academies
In two years’ time all of Burngreave’s secondary schools could be Academies. Parkwood, Fir Vale and Firth Park are all considering becoming independent from the City Council, run by private companies or trusts.
- Out of school
Support for young people and parents has been top of the agenda this month following the sad death of Jonathan Matondo. Exclusion has been raised as an issue, as young people out of school are more vulnerable.
- Yemeni Exhibition
Around 200 people attended the opening of the “Coal, Frankincense and Myrrh” Exhibition at Weston Park Museum on 30th October. The exhibition celebrated the links between Sheffield and the Yemeni Community that has lived here since the 1950s. Yemenis from all over Sheffield and further afield joined others at the opening.
- Firshill TARA hosts fundraiser for Children in Need
Firshill Tenants and Residents Association raised hundreds of pounds for Children in Need on Friday 16th November at an event held at the Sheffield United Academy.
- Bogged down? Join Swamp Circus
I spoke to participants at Swamp Circus Trust’s ‘Circus Skills & Community Leadership’ course, currently running at SADACCA on The Wicker in association with the Point Blank Theatre Company. I was struck by the positive impact this course has had on their lives, and so here, in their own words, is their story.
- Black History Month Awards
Members of Sheffield’s black community were rewarded on 2nd November for their services to the community. The awards evening was held at SADACCA to mark the end of Black History Month.
- SADACCA Study Support shines again
On 24th October the children were entertained by Jamaica’s famous dub poet Jean Binta Breeze and developed their cultural awareness through stories, songs and games. Their enthusiasm was heightened by Jean’s performance and activities and they took centre stage for their own performance on 31st October.
- Bonfire night in Burngreave
Bonfire night was celebrated magnificently here in Burngreave on the 3rd November at Petre Street as a small fair ended with spectacular fireworks taking place on the field. There was a great turnout considering the cold weather, with approximately 150-200 people.
- It’s all about da youths
The first ever presentation evening celebrated by young people’s project Streetworx had a big impact on the 31st October at the Vestry Hall, attracting residents of a wide ethnic background and the majority of the crowd were young people.
- Learning English at Home
SAVTE (Sheffield Association for the Voluntary Teaching of English) recruits and trains volunteers to teach English. They have been delivering this service city-wide for over 30 years. The majority of the students are women and people with disabilities. Many have no experience of formal education and have very little confidence.
- Writing for a Community Newspaper
The Messenger recently worked with the Council’s Adult and Community Learning Unit on an ESOL course with a difference. Here is some of the students’ writing.
- Fazal Hussain
“To a loving Father and a community activist who put the needs of the community as a whole, before his own.”
- Stay debt-free this Christmas
It's easy to feel pressured into spending more than you can afford at Christmas, so follow the CAB’s Top Tips to keep out of debt.
- A New Deal for Burngreave
News from Burngreave New Deal for Communities including:
Employment and Skills Special
Media workshops hit the headlines
Would you like to be a Mystery Shopper?
- Burngreave Area Panel
Latest news from the Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel, including:
Transforming terraces
DIY Streets
New Year's Honours awards
- Woods and pond neglected
Sheffield City Council have come under fire after local resident Peter Mappin slammed their supposed clean up of Roe Woods and Crabtree Pond.
- Your Voice
Another well-produced community magazine is ten years old this November!
- Green City Action News
Green City Action win prestigious community award
Garden gifts for the festive season
Tool Bank December opening times
- The Furnival
Healthy eating has been on the menu at The Furnival as part of a new cookery course hosted by Laila Wragg.
- Call for action on services for older residents
On 24th of April 2007, over 100 older people from minority ethnic groups attended an older people’s consultation day to express their concerns about the lack of services available to them.
- Social activities at SADACCA
A list of social activities open to the entire community taking place at SADACCA.
- Printed issue
Listing of just the articles found in the printed (and PDF) December 2007 edition of the Burngreave Messenger.
- Website exclusives
List of articles exclusive to the website in December 2007, not to be found in the print or PDF edition.
- Sheffield Credit Union: Pitsmoor Branch
The Credit Union offers a safe place to save and great value loans. To find out more, come to one of the collection points, or call in at Sheffield Credit Union.
- Academy for Community Leadership open day
The Academy for Community Leadership and Hadfield Institute Invite you to celebrate the season and the success of their management courses for the community. Open Day with light refreshments: Monday 17 December.
- FirVale Enterprise Centre: Open Day
Fir Vale School is to open its doors to the local community to offer a wider access to Adult Learning. Come along to the NEW Enterprise Centre on Thursday 13th December.
- Crimestoppers
Do you have information about criminal activity in your neighbourhood?
Do you want to report it but don’t want to get involved or give your name?
Then call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
- Free the Sheffield buses and trams
Keeping the bus lanes free reduces delays and keeps buses moving.
- Get your hands on qualifications, careers and skills
Aged 14-19? Find out if vocational courses are for you.
- Could you adopt a child?
Could you adopt a child and give them good times to remember, instead of bad times they want to forget?
- Burngreave Small Grants Fund
Do you or your organisation have a new idea that would benefit local residents – would a small grant help to make it happen?
- A church for all nations
Rock Christian Centre. Lively worship, every Sunday.
- CESB - Creating Enterprise, Supporting Business
Do you need help making your business more successful? Are you looking for help and advice to start your own business?
- Thai Boxing
New boxing classes starting soon.
- Landlords for Excellence course
A FREE 10-session course starting January 2008, and April 2008, for Landlords currently owning/renting any number of properties in Sheffield.
- Al-Nisa Sport and Leisure
Women's Thai kick-boxing classes with a fully qualified and insured female instructor.
- Bangladesh Cyclone Appeal
Arches Housing are taking donations for food, clothing and emergency medical supplies.
- PMC Strategic Manager required
We are looking for a proactive outward looking individual who can take the centre forward to the next level.
- PMC EMSAP Co-ordinator required
Pakistan Muslim Centre are looking for an EMSAP Co-ordinator to develop and deliver the EMSAP programme.
- PMC Administrator/Receptionist required
An experienced administrator is needed who must be conversant with MS Office, able to maintain systems and procedures, good communication and organisational skills.
- Part-time EMSAP tutors required
PMC are looking to recruit experienced tutors that can deliver support to children in schools and within the centre.
- Bangladesh Cyclone Relief: Fund-raising dinner
A fundraising dinner will take place on Sunday 16th December 2007 to support the people of Bangladesh, who have suffered a second major natural disaster in the space of less than five months this year.
- Burngreave Amateur Boxing Club
All coaches fully qualified & police checked. Private sessions by appointment. Change to advertised weekday openeing times: 3pm.
- Streetworx young advisors opportunity
Streetworx has an opportunity available for six young people aged from 15-21 years to train as Young Advisors to become future leaders.
- Youth Conference event
A Youth Conference will take place on Saturday 8th December to discuss issues that are affecting young people today. Refreshments will be provided.
- Red Kite spotted over Scott Road
A bird of prey, rarely seen in Sheffield, was spotted circling over Scott Road on Sunday 9th December, 2007.
- Carnival of Lights
Over 100 people, mostly children, braved the bitter cold to attend the Carnival of Lights, organised by Green City Action, on Saturday 1st December 2007 at Ellesmere Green.
- An Evening Of Islam 2008
Sunday 13th of January at the Magna Centre on Sheffield Road. This event will be the largest ever gathering of the Muslim community in South Yorkshire.
- Messenger website training course
The Messenger is running a FREE website administration course at the Vestry Hall, starting 5th January 2008.
- Christmas services 2007
Listings of Church services taking place locally to celebrate Christmas.
- The Rock Christian Centre to host Hope 2008
The Rock Christian Centre is to host Sheffield's contribution to Hope 2008, a national event bringing hope for the year ahead to communities nationwide.
- Christmas deportation binge
South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) has called an emergency protest against the wave of Christmas detentions and deportations in South Yorkshire. Saturday December 22nd 1pm Town Hall.
- New SUFC Academy building plans
SUFC Academy are proposing a three-storey, 20,000 sqft development on land next to the club's Shirecliffe Football Academy. An Open Day will be held on January 9 for the community to view the plans.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Lisa Harrison
2007-11-28 15:50:21.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 15:21:42.
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All content is copyright © Burngreave Messenger Ltd. or its voluntary contributors, unless otherwise stated, not to be reproduced without permission. If you have any comments, or are interested in contributing to the Messenger and getting involved, please contact us.
Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email:
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.