Scouts brighten up Ellesmere

‘fleur de lys’ flower bed
‘fleur de lys’ flower bed

Story: Jim Gilbert

Ellesmere residents were delighted to see colourful beds of flowers in the shape of a yellow ‘fleur de lys’ and a blue and white number 100 appear on Carwood Road. 76th Sheffield Scouts planted the flower beds to celebrate 100 years of Scouting.

Scout Nathan Ball said, “We did it to show that young people do care about the environment”. Scout Louise Ashforth Billard, aged 12, added that she enjoyed the challenge, but it had been hard work planting for three hours. She thought it looked really beautiful and hoped it wouldn’t be vandalized. Green City Action helped, giving advice, ordering 900 plants, making the templates, preparing the beds and planting up.

Anyone aged 10½ to 13 can join the Scouts. Adult helpers are always needed. Contact Jim Gilbert Tel: 246 0057.

This document was last modified on 2007-07-24 12:23:06.