Pitsmoor Credit Union merger

Story:Annie Blindell

For more than 10 years, Pitsmoor Credit Union’s volunteer directors have worked hard to build a local credit union for local people. It has been successful and new people have joined, but a recent funding bid to the Lottery has failed, and without this funding the Pitsmoor office will close.

Joining with Sheffield Credit Union

Following a vote by members at a Special General Meeting on July 3rd, Pitsmoor Credit Union (PCU) is likely to join the citywide Sheffield Credit Union (SCU). Once the merger has been finally agreed, the PCU office at Christ Church will close at the end of September and all business transferred to the SCU office on the Gallery in Sheffield market. Letters will be sent out to all members explaining the changes.

Collection points will continue

Pitsmoor Credit Union will then become a branch of SCU. PCU volunteers will carry on running the Firshill School Junior Savers Club and the collection points at Christ Church lunch club, Firshill TARA and the Rock and Hallcar pubs.

Change over to start in October

Welcome help with the transition has come from Burngreave New Deal for Communities (BNDfC). A grant from their Small Grants Fund will enable PCU to employ a part-time worker to support the new Pitsmoor branch, organise the retraining of volunteers and oversee the transfer of members’ accounts to the SCU office. After October a mobile phone number will be advertised in the Messenger so that there is a ready contact point for local volunteers and members, as well as information about SCU services for all Burngreave residents.

For more information phone the PCU office on 0114 273 8555.

This document was last modified on 2007-07-24 12:16:15.