
8am: Site meeting at the school. Sally Swann and Leah Barrett lead on major incidents and have already helped to set up the response with Dave and Denise.

Kier are there; Tony Carter as the headteacher with Sandra Davies the bursar; Richard as buildings officer.

What are the priorities?

  1. To support the school staff;

  2. To get to work on the site and

  3. Sort out the practicalities of getting the children back into learning and school as soon as possible.

An asbestos survey has to be carried out so that anyone on the site knows that the air is ‘clean’. Dangerous parts of the school are isolated – fencing, security, keeping people away.

By the afternoon, contractors are in to look at demolishing those sections that need bringing down and the loss adjuster and the Quantity Surveyor are picking their way around. But still no services – they’d all been cut off; so power, gas, water have all to be arranged.

This document was last modified on 2007-05-01 16:18:59.
This section is produced by Andy Shallice, Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel. Address: 12–14 Burngreave Road, Sheffield S3 9DD. Tel: (0114) 276 9134 Email: