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April 2007 Issue 69

Full index
- A senseless killing
In the early hours of Wednesday 14th March, a fatal shooting took place on Scott Road which left a family devastated and the local community shocked.
- Byron Wood fire
On Saturday 1oth March a fire, caused by faulty wiring, destroyed the library and computer room at Byron Wood School
- Save ESOL
Nearly 200 people attended a meeting at SADACCA on 13th March, united against the government proposal to cut funding to English language courses (ESOL). The cuts will kill off at least 25% of courses run in Burngreave, with a devastating effect on Adult Learning Providers catering for refugees and asylum seekers.
- Ellesmere Proposals
The Council are planning to make Spital Hill “more attractive to shoppers, to improve the economic vitality of the area and encourage the creation of new business and expansion of existing ones.”
- Apprenticeships for All
17 year old Neelam Fazal is described as a ‘breath of fresh air’ by her manager at Construction Design Centre which she joined through Apprenticeship for All.
Plus: find out more about Apprenticeships for All project.
- Bumper crowd for Burngreave Business Awards
Winners of the third annual Burngreave Business Awards enjoyed a night of celebrations with a bumper crowd.
- Community reaction to the Scott Road shooting
Following the death of local resident and taxi driver Younis Khan, the Messenger went out to speak to residents, to record people’s reactions and feelings.
Add your own comments or condolences for Mr Younis Khan.
- Woodside New Housing: continuing saga
Affordable housing was not on the agenda for Councillors in March, despite concern from residents, Burngreave Community Action Forum and Burngreave New Deal for Communities
- Council reports on illegal evictions
In February 2007 we reported on claims that a group of destitute asylum-seekers had been forcibly evicted from Catherine Road flats. The council agreed to investigate and a lengthy report has now been produced, concluding that they “probably were evicted illegally" and, “certainly had good reason to feel intimidated”.
Plus: Downloads of the Council report. here
- Taxi CCTV cameras
A campaign is underway to get CCTV cameras installed for Burngreave Taxi drivers.
- Pye Bank School Seeks New Governors
last year, Pye Bank School has decided to reorganise its Governing Body and is seeking new community Governors
- Pye Bank Netball
Netball briefing by Pye Bank students
- New TESCO planned
Update on news of Tesco's planning application for a huge new store at the bottom of Spital Hill.
Includes: Letter sent to the Messenger by Tesco in response to our February 2007 story.
- Caborn’s Corner – a bit of Sheffield's history under threat?
Whilst studying recent plans for the new Tesco supermarket at the top of Spital Hill, somebody pointed out to me that the ‘attractive urban landscape with potential public plaza’ marked at the front of the drawing appeared to obliterate a bit of Sheffield’s political history: Caborn’s Corner. It’s a small triangle of land located at the junction of Spital Hill and Carlisle Street, just below the East House and opposite The Kashmir restaurant.
- Rob Smith word smith
Rob Smith, a former writer for the Burngreave Messenger has been continuing in his creativitiy since leaving his position in December last year.
- Burngreave Voices
A crowded Verdon Recreation Centre saw the culmination of two and a half year’s work by Nikky Wilson on the Burngreave Voices project, with the launch of its website on Saturday 17th March.
- Girl Guides
Girls involved in hiking and camping? It didn’t seem possible in the early 1900s, when skirts were ankle length and young ladies never ran. It was all about scouting for boys in 1907 until a small group of girls turned the situation around by insisting on a group of their own and the Girl Guides were born.
- Youth Council amaze residents
Those who attended the New Deal Children and Young People’s Resident Forum were in for an astounding performance
- Spray Can Art
My name is Nadia Rahman and I’m from the Burngreave After School Study Support Project. On Saturdays me and my friends go to a spray can art project. It is a recognised award and lasts for ten weeks. The course is fun and different every week. It makes me feel very responsible and creative.
- 125 Health Project
Hello my name is Iyah Haimeed, I am 13 years old and I go to Fir Vale School. I finish school at 3.30 then I go straight to Burngreave After-School Project.
- Women only swimming baths with "male guards"
I am a 14 year old girl that really enjoys swimming, but I can’t go to my local swimming baths because on ‘women’s only’ days they sometimes have male life-guards operating. For a young Muslim girl we should not be swimming half naked in front of men.
- Pitsmoor Tattooist
With over a decade of experience, convention tours, travelling abroad and a solid reputation as a one of a kind freehand tattooist, Andy decided on locating one of his many shops in Pitsmoor near home.
- Rural Exposure Project Sheffield
Local photographer, Anwar Suliman, is starting a new project to introduce young people from inner city areas to the countryside through the medium of photography.
- International Women's Day
Verdon Street Centre was a hub of activity on March 8th 2007. Women came out in their numbers to celebrate International Women’s Day.
- DJ Legaliz
I met local DJ Liz Searle aka DJ Legaliz for a chat about being a DJ in the Sheffield scene.
- Family Learning Awards
Parents from across Sheffield received awards from the Lord Mayor at the first Sheffield Family Learning Awards held at the Town Hall in February 2007.
- Disability Rights
Sheffield Law Centre has a long reputation for helping people, especially in Burngreave. Hidden away behind the Wicker, the small team of caseworkers has helped prevent evictions, stopped deportations and won rights for workers.
- Ethnic Minority Older People's Consultation Day
Are you over the age of 55?
Would you like to tell people about the quality of the services you are getting?
Would you like to tell us about the services you would like to receive?
- A Big Tree for Burngreave Cemetery
On Tuesday 13th February 2007, Tim Shortland, Community Forester and the men from Tinsley Tree Project, entered Burngreave Cemetery with big spades and an even bigger Tree. They were here to dig a hole and manoeuvre the root ball of the tree into place ready for the arrival of the Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Jackie Drayton, on Sunday.
- Family Life Ministries
The Family Life Ministries is an important part of our church. It recognizes there are periods in peoples lives where they need extra help and support. We run outreach programmes for families whose relatives are in prison, or going through bereavement.
- Green City Action News
Need help to sort out your garden?
Free advice
Trees galore
Environment day
- A Good Life!
Collis Icylyn Beckford is a sprightly 73 year old mother of six from Burngreave. Destinations Arts managed to catch up with her and recorded her life story as part of our Oral History and Arts Project, Digital Journeys. These are extracts from Collis's rich and fascinating life!
- Memories of the Adelphi Cinema and Pavilion
I grew up in the Attercliffe area and lived between the two cinemas. The Adelphi was a grand cinema with a glass dome and stained glass windows.
- Cinema by Tram
Starting down memory lane at the tram stop in the Wicker, the old tram, destination the terminus at Sheffield Lane Top, but first the Wicker Picture House, one of eight in the area.
- A New Deal for Burngreave
News from Burngreave New Deal for Communities, including:
BNDfC Community Representative elections come around
You Can Represent the Burngreave Community
Burngreave Green Space Safari
- Burngreave Area Panel
Latest news from the Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel, including:
Fire at Byron Wood
Councillors' Surgery dates
Next Area Panel meeting details
- Landlords and tenants
Don’t forget the Tenancy Deposit Scheme!
From the 6th April 2007, when a landlord or letting agent takes a deposit from a tenant, the deposit must be protected in a Government-authorised tenancy deposit scheme.
- Easter Fun Day at SYAC Nursery
Come and join the fun, whilst we raise funds for our community nursery. All Welcome. Free entry
- Messenger Editorial
The Messenger says goodbye to Management Committee member Mark Lankshear…
- Finance Manager/Administrator
The Burngreave Messenger is looking for an experienced financial worker with excellent administrative skills to help us to seek funding to ensure the Messenger’s future.
Salary: £20,895 – £22,293 p.a. pro rata (NJC sp 26-28) depending on experience.
Hours: 18.5 hours (0.5 FTE) worked Mon-Fri, plus occasional evening work.
Closing date for applications is Monday 23rd April 2007
- Part-time Youth Worker required
Job: A Vacancy has arisen within a dynamic New Project for a Part Time level 2 Detached Youth Worker to work in the Burngreave New Deal for Communities area.
Salary: £16,707 – £18,807 (pro-rata
Hours: 14.8 per week (40% contract)
Closing Date:13th April 2007
- Where will our children live?
The Future of Housing in Burngreave: A meeting organised by BCAF, Monday 23rd April.
- Burngreave Opportunities
One stop for jobs and training.
Looking for work?
Looking to improve your skills? Find out how Burngreave Opportunities can help.
- Finance/Admin Worker wanted
Job: Are you over 19? A resident of Burngreave? If so then join us at Kashmir Educational Trust/Reach High 2
16 hours per week
2 days a week (negotiable)
Salary: £4.45 per hour (19–21 year olds) £5.35 per hour (22+ year olds)
Deadline: Monday 16th April 2007
- Bicentenary of the abolition of slavery
200 years since the abolition of slavery… or is it…? A number of events are taking place to remember the contribution of thousands of enslaved Africans to winning their freedom.
- A celebration of people and place
A book about Burngreave, the people, the places and the history, featuring stories collected by the Burngreave Voices project. Come and claim your FREE copy of the book at Burngreave Library!
- New under 7s football team
Earl Marshall FC are looking for under 7s players for the 2007/08 season. Managers and Coaches are also required.
- Circus stars on show for celebration performance
A group of 12 students will stage a spectacular artistic event at Greentop Community Circus Centre in Brightside to mark the close of their Open College Network – Circus in Performance course.
- BCAF Environment and buildings group
Burngreave Community Action Forum, Environment and Buildings working group now meets every second Monday of each month
- Burngreave Celebrates Learning Festival
Details about the festival on 19th May 2007. Join in the fun and learn!
- Where will our children live?
The Future of Housing in Burngreave: A meeting organised by BCAF, Monday 23rd April. Time changed from 7pm to 6.30pm.
- International Indian Film Academy Awards
Over 500 million eyes will be on Yorkshire in June 2007 when the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFAs) take the region by storm. An estimated 30,000 extra overseas visitors are expected to join in the glitz and glamour.
- NCH job opportunities
Jobs: NCH is one of the leading children’s charities in the UK, running projects for some of the country’s most vulnerable and excluded children, young people, and their families.
Senior Practitioners: £24,708 – £31,653
P/T Fostering Outreach Worker: 18 hours £15,825 – £20,235 pro rata
Qualified Sessional Social Workers (Foster Carer Assessment): £1,500 per completed assessment
Foster Carers
Closing date: 26th April 2007.
- Survey results
New Deal will be well pleased with the results of the recent Household Survey, which shows nearly two-thirds of those asked think New Deal has improved the area a great deal or a fair amount. Only around a third of those asked thought this 4 years ago. There are improvements in almost every other area too.
- Women In Leadership Co-ordinator
Job: The South Yorkshire Women's Trust are looking for a Co-ordinator to establish a high standard of training throughout the Trust, and to co-ordinate the Academy for Community Leadership project.
Hours: 18.5 hours per week
Salary: NJC- 26 £20,895 (pro rota)
Closing Date: Thursday 3rd May 2007
- Assistant Play Development Officer
Job: Pitsmoor Adventure Playground is looking to recruit an Assistant Play Development Officer.
S£16,137 to £20,235
Pro-rata 18.5 hours (pay award pending)
Closing Date: 10th May 2007
- Burngreave Reading Group
The Burngreave Reading Group meets on the second Monday of every month at Burngreave Library from 1.30 – 2.30pm.
- Printed issue content
Listing of just the articles found in the printed (and PDF) edition of the Burngreave Messenger.
- Website exclusives
List of articles exclusive to the website in April 2007, not to be found in the print or PDF edition.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2007-03-28 12:48:48.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 15:25:00.
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All content is copyright © Burngreave Messenger Ltd. or its voluntary contributors, unless otherwise stated, not to be reproduced without permission. If you have any comments, or are interested in contributing to the Messenger and getting involved, please contact us.
Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email:
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.