Allotments arson attack

The recent vandalism of the Grimesthorpe allotments has caused devastation amongst its community.

For years now, its occupants have reaped the rewards of their hard work, growing crops in their spare time and relaxing on their land. Now though, many fear that their hard work could be destroyed.

I met with one of the longestserving occupants, Chris Burns, whose greenhouse was burned down in July and his crops ruined. He has gardened there for 30 years now. Looking back he said,

“We do our gardening then sit down, have a cup of tea and a bite to eat. It’s a part of my life, I’m very sad about what has happened.”

Chris told me that this was the second time his allotment had been burned down and that he is now very sceptical about rebuilding a third time:

“I want to rebuild, but I don’t want the same thing to happen again. I had 60 tomato plants and a grapevine before this attack, it took me years to achieve that.”

A new perimeter fence has been put up, but Chris said:

“If they want to get in, then they will. The police visited and told us they would continue inquiries, but they’ve got better things to be dealing with”.

One officer said they had been instructed to concentrate on football hooliganism, but the police have promised to patrol the area. We talked with a couple who have had their allotment for just over a year.

They said,

“If you put hard work into something then you expect others to respect that”.

Another owner, Mrs Creasy told us she has had four breakins previously and has had her water tap smashed twice in the past month.

“I’ve been here three years now and this means everything to me right now.”

She is both shocked and angered by the recent vandalism, especially as she spends every day on her allotment. Allotment Society Chair, Ralph, told us:

“It affects everyone. People are coming to their allotment wondering what they might find. It’s an awful feeling.When my greenhouse was burnt down some years ago I wanted to give up, but a friend said if you give in they’ve won, so we rebuilt it. It’s not been this bad for many years, last time it was like this we had to do night time patrols ourselves.”

The Council’s allotment’s officer, John Martin, told us:

“We’ve checked the fencing is secure, but it’s really important that allotment holders lock the gates when they are coming in and out of the site. Allotment holders need to report everything to the police – the more >we report the more likely they are to take action.”

Whatever the outcome, the vandalism has caused a great deal of anguish and upset for the people of Grimesthorpe allotments.

by Brent Moya

This document was last modified on 2007-06-15 11:13:29.