Rubbish and gullies and the Area Panel

Reducing Waste
Reducing Waste

Climate change is now with us. Every week there’s another confirmation about how we all have to change the way we live. Below is an extract from a recent report to the Council’s Cabinet:

Reducing Waste

The government aims to reduce waste to landfill. Sheffield City Council has responded by the development of the ‘energy from waste’ plant (managed by Veolia at Bernard Road) and the introduction of both the blue bin scheme for recycling and of civic amenity ‘bring it’ sites. However, waste continues to grow and the Council will struggle to meet statutory waste targets without a significant culture change towards consumption and waste management. It is imperative we see materials as a resource and not simply as waste. We should encourage waste reduction in households and businesses, through education and provide the opportunities for everyone to segregate, re-use and recycle the materials they consume. This will lead to an increase in the provision of domestic and commercial facilities, and will require developers to provide access and storage for waste and recycling activities. The next Area Panel meeting will be discussing what this means for this community and for the Council. It will focus on household waste – from leaving your house, into Veolia’s bins on the kerbside and on to Veolia’s recycling plant at Beighton or the energy from waste recovery incinerator at Bernard Road. We’ll discuss improving recycling, dealing with green waste, composting, glass collection and bring out your rubbish days. Ask your questions and have your say – Tuesday 3rd October at 5pm at Pitsmoor Methodist Church (note earlier time for breaking the fast). Also a full discussion on the response to traffic and highways problems in the area.

Autumn Gully Cleaning

Street Force is doing its annual gully cleaning in Fir Vale from 25th September to 13th October. Burngreave was done in April this year. Before, during or after the following dates, please try and avoid parking on the grids in your street so that the Street Force staff can get to the gullies. October

New Year Honours

Every year, the Burngreave Area Panel holds a ‘new year’s honours’ awards ceremony in the Town Hall. The Lord Mayor gives recognition to people who live and (or) work in the areas of Fir Vale, Firshill, Pitsmoor and Burngreave to celebrate those who contribute ‘above and beyond’. And of course, this year the Lord Mayor is our own Jackie Drayton. There are separate awards for volunteers, paid workers and local organisations. Nominations for Burngreave New Year’s Honours to Marilyn King on 0773 636 2179 by 30th November.

And finally

A poem sent to me recently by Sylvia Reaney, from Earl Marshal Road who wrote: “reading about the activities and pleasure days available to everyone in the local newsletter and Messenger, prompted me to write this poem…” Thanks for this Sylvia.

To live together in harmony, is music to our ears People alongside each other without the stressful fears Joining in activities, things we all can do Giving us the chance to meet, say ‘hello’ and ‘how are you?’

A smile, a friendly word costs nothing but means to us a lot When we shake hands with each other and tie another knot Life is for the living not with wars be taken away Let us live in harmony each hour of every day Then we can keep on trying to make the world a better place For each and every being in the human race

This document was last modified on 2007-11-01 13:25:20.
This section is produced by Andy Shallice, Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel. Address: 12–14 Burngreave Road, Sheffield S3 9DD. Tel: (0114) 276 9134. Email: