Messenger Editorial

The Messenger’s funding from New Deal comes to an end on 30th November.

We have spent a lot of time in the last year looking at how to free ourselves from grant funding – but we would have to cover other areas and be an advertising-focused newspaper. We have decided to remain focused on Burngreave, and to support more people to be involved as volunteers.

Our plan is to reduce to six issues per year from February 2007. The New Deal Partnership Board would like us to continue producing ten issues. But this isn’t possible as we have to fund half the costs from elsewhere.

Last month the Partnership Board rejected our project, saying it wasn’t value for money. We are now asking for less money and they will make a decision on 29th November. If they choose not to fund us further, the Messenger project will end, but we are, however, optimistic.

Keeping the Messenger going in the next five years is going to need the input of Burngreave residents – we would welcome your support and any time you have give. To get involved contact us on 0114 242 0564.

There will be more information about our future plans in the December issue.

This document was last modified on 2007-04-12 12:43:56.