School for Environment

School for Environment is a new project that wants to open up environmental training and employment opportunities to Sheffield’s BME communities.

Do you belong to a group that would like to know more about environmental training and employment? If so, we can come and meet your group.

Would you like to visit one of Sheffield’s environmental training providers? We will be trying to find out what barriers there are for BME communities to get involved in Environmental work and how to overcome them. All expenses covered.

Are you interested in achieving an environmental training accreditation? If so we may be able to help with the costs of NVQs delivered by local training providers.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities please contact:

Maxwell Ayamba at SHEBEEN on (0114) 272 2030.

Or email

Sheffield’s Environment Needs You!

This document was last modified on 2006-11-16 19:23:41.