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November 2006 Issue 66

- Youth Council elections
On 20th–22nd November 2006 Burngreave young people will go to the polls to elect their new Youth Council leaders and you could be a part of this council.
- Gower under pressure
South Yorkshire Police contacted the Messenger claiming they have reliable intelligence of Class A drug dealing and firearms in and around the Gower Arms, Earsham Street.
- Spectrum Centre sold
Questions remain about the future of a building that has served as a Burngreave community asset for many years. The Spectrum Centre, previously the Irish Centre, on Brunswick Road, has been sold by Sheffield City Council into private ownership.
- Mobile misery
Adult and community learning at Firs Hill Community Primary School is under threat after its mobile classroom was condemned as unsafe and structurally unsound.
- Parkwood Landfill Claim
There’s still time to register a claim against Parkwood Landfill for residents who feel the site has affected them.
- A house for a house
“No-one will be worse off as a result of the Masterplan”, that was the promise the Council made to the residents of Burngreave. Now eighteen months on, the promise is shown to be an empty one, as homeowners battle with Council valuers and face increasing debt, while families face being split up.
- Community language service takes off
BLSA (Burngreave Language Support Agency) was set up in September 2003 to train local people and provide translation and interpretation services
- Community Aid for Kashmir
In October 2006, members of Sheffield Pakistan Muslim Centre and guests from Rotherham and Doncaster gathered to recognise fundraising done on behalf of the READ Foundation, a charitable organisation that builds schools in Kashmir.
- Action on exclusions
Exclusions from school are still higher for children in Burngreave than across Sheffield. It’s recognised that parents’ involvement is needed to help improve the situation, but many remain isolated and unsupported.
- Tell It Like It Is
“Why has nothing changed in 30 years?”, was the cry of one angry parent as a recent meeting at SADACCA called for a campaign against black under-achievement in schools. The meeting was called by Sheffield National Union of Teachers (NUT), to raise the issues highlighted in a recent book – ‘Tell It Like It Is – How Our Schools Fail Black Children’.
- Support for parents of prisoners
In August 2005, the black volunteer-led ‘Parents Of Prisoners Support Group’ was started in the kitchen of one concerned woman in response to widespread concern that parents and relatives of those in prison had nowhere to go and nobody to talk to about their traumatic situation.
- The Corner Shop – A Celebration
In the past twenty years, small independent shops have been vanishing, facing stiff competition from supermarkets and changing consumer habits. Despite this nationwide trend, there is still a thriving selection of local shops in Burngreave. To find out why this might be, Nikky Wilson spoke to some local shop keepers.
- New Wanderers
Five years ago there were no youth football teams in Burngreave, now there are five, including the Multicultural Wanderers, two new teams for under-11s and under-13s.
- All Saints Soccer School
Dates for children and young people's football classes.
- High-quality library
The staff at the Burngreave Library were recently nominated for a DEL Quality Award from the City Council.
Messenger volunteer Tom Sadler went to speak to Community Development Librarian, Laura Bell, about the award and the new range of clubs and activities the library has to offer.
- Connect celebrates
Connect Befriending Scheme seeks to match those who are lonely and isolated with volunteers who give time to visit them and develop a friendship. Tuesday 19th September saw Connect celebrate the past and look to the future as Jeff and Vanessa Kirby handed over responsibility to Karen Skidmore, Christ Church’s new Curate.
- Corner Pin
The CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) ‘Pub of the Month’ for October was The Corner Pin. It’s located in the heart of the former Sheffield Steelworks and Engineering area, on the corner of Carlisle Street East and Lyons Street.
- ‘Time for trees’ says Tim
The level of tree cover in Burngreave is 13.5% which is significantly lower than many areas of the city. Trees are often taken for granted but provide a wealth of benefits for people living in the city…
- Green City Action news
The Green City Stewards have been busy in September sorting out the overgrown shrubbery on Ellesmere Park, and tidying up Catherine Street Park…
- Dear Messenger...
Letters from our readers
- Messenger Editorial
The Messenger’s funding from New Deal comes to an end on 30th November…
- The Plight of Iraqi Kurds
Article about the situation Iraqi Kurds face
- Burngreave Academy Issues in the Community
Ideas, issues and movements that affect our lives and regeneration
- 4th Burngreave Rhythm and Blues Night
Music benefit in aid of Burngreave Chapel and Cemetery and Sheffield Wildlife Trust
- New Arches Houses available
New houses for sale for shared ownership on Catherine Road, Earldom Close and Grimesthorpe Road, from Arches Housing
- Family Learning Day
The community get involved at Firth Park Community Arts College Family Learning Day
- Announcements
Local announcements, advertisments and upcoming event news.
- Jobs
Jobs advertised in November 2006. Please check closing dates.
- Website exclusives
Those articles that are exclusive to the website, and not in the print or PDF edition.
- Printed issue content
List of articles that appeared in the November 2006 print and PDF version of the Messenger.
- Burngreave Area Panel
Latest news from the Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel, including:
Got a proper ‘traffic plan’, Northern General?
- A New Deal for Burngreave
Articles provided by Burngreave New Deal for Communities.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2006-11-02 15:20:50.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2015-03-31 08:43:54.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email:
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Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.