East Sheffield Regeneration Team

Woodside Lane looking towards Woodfold, demolished in January 1960
Woodside Lane looking towards Woodfold, demolished in January 1960


Woodside is one of the largest and most visible sites the Council will release to developers. To ensure that in future Woodside reflects the community’s needs, the team organised the Burngreave New Housing Project Group to discuss what should be built there, using the Cabinet agreed Masterplan as a starting point. Membership of this group is now closed but we hope to provide reports in the Messenger.

In November 2005 we asked for those who used to live on Woodside before 1960 to contact us with their memories. We hoped this would help us to learn from the past before we planned for the future. Lots of people got in touch to tell us stories about their time there, some even brought their old photographs.

When relaying one man’s stories a woman told us, “I know him, he used to make me shimmy up lamps to light his cigarettes!”

We learned a lot from talking to people, for example many mentioned the hill site being unsuitable for the elderly and physically disabled residents. Their ideas will help the team and confirm some ideas we had on what shouldn’t be repeated on this site.

We think a consultation event for the whole community to suggest ideas that will work is needed. We are holding an event in early summer to give everyone the opportunity to meet the project group and look over their ideas. We hope you will come along with your suggestions for what might be Woodside’s future. Watch future Messengers for the date.

Sheffield City Council

Contact 244 0222

This document was last modified on 2007-05-23 21:05:45.