Getting to know Carmen...

Carmen is originally from Guyana (South America) and came to England in 1961. She lived in London until 1977, then came to Sheffield and has lived here ever since. Her occupational background is in education, particularly with adults. She was the co-ordinator for the Afro-Caribbean Education Project which involved encouraging African Caribbean adults to become involved in education for the betterment of themselves and their children.

Carmen’s performing skills began during her schooldays and gradually evolved over the years. She loves singing and usually just sang for mere relaxation. She studied at the Royal School of Music for a year while in London. She got involved with her community in Sheffield around 1982, forming a women’s choral group in the mid-1980s. They participate in local functions as well as festivals.

Carmen also enjoys story telling. “My children grew up on my made-up stories,” she said, which she told on the spur of the moment: “I made up stories as the mood took me.” She describes poetry as ‘my love’. “There are several poems that I am able to recite but I prefer to read poetry, as I like to take the audience with me on a journey, as it were. I select the poems I present based on the audience I am performing for, poems they can relate to. I enjoy myself, that’s the sort of person I am, I’m a lone performer, I sing and perform from the heart.”

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The content on this page was added to the website by Kate Atkinson on 2007-05-06 15:56:38.
The content of the page was last modified by Kate Atkinson on 2007-05-27 18:02:37.

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