Open Gardens

A new event for Burngreave’s gardeners is planned for this summer. Green City Action and the Messenger would like to invite local people who care for their gardens to open them for a day and show off their work and achievements.

The event is open to all residents of Burngreave no matter what type or size of garden they have. We would particularly like to encourage people with interesting or unusual gardens and those who are proud of the work they have done, to take part. We hope that Burngreave’s communal yards and allotment groups will also join in and hold open days too.

The Burngreave Open Gardens event will be held on 2nd July and is to be accompanied by a guide book containing location maps, gardening information and facts about each garden and its gardener.

If you would like to be involved please contact Rob Bullock of GCA on 244 0353. We can offer support in opening your garden if you need it.

by Rob Bullock & Rohan Francis

This document was last modified on 2007-07-07 22:53:49.