A tall storey?

The Tower
The Tower

‘A beacon shining across the city’. At least that’s the hope for new building proposed for the foot of Spital Hill. While many believe it will never happen, Cherry Tree Development have put forward this ‘aspirational drawing’, showing a skyscraper towering over Pitsmoor.

The original plan referred to 18 floors of offices, two floors of retail and catering outlets, and residential accommodation on the top four floors, though a reference to the building being 28 storeys high has now been withdrawn from the application.

This proposal is being made alongside other schemes such as the opening up of railway arches to businesses, the revitalisation of the Wicker and the development of leisure outlets and retail along Nursery Street. All these proposals for retail and catering spaces which may be open into the evening could bring stiff competition to existing shops on Spital Hill.

The Council told the Messenger they would look favourably on proposals to bring jobs and money into the area, but are unlikely to grant permission for a skyscraper as it’s the wrong place for such a building. It is thought the whole concept may be a red herring to attract investors into the project.

The architects will be presenting their plans at the BCAF Buildings Group on 7th March, 6.30pm at the Kashmir Curry Centre and at the next Quarterly Forum meeting (see advert right). For more information on this plan, see page 16 for details of the Council’s online planning service. Application details: 05/03185/OUT. Comments must be received by the Council’s planning department by 8th March.

Skyscraper Poll

The Messenger surveyed shoppers on Spital Hill last week, and found that people were split over whether or not the skyscraper was a good idea:


“Nice building but wrong location”

“Driving out the poor”

“May create jobs”

“Modern eyesore”

“Regeneration for a poor area”

This document was last modified on 2007-07-07 22:19:30.