Partnership Board Meeting - Wednesday, 25 January 2006

What was discussed?

Draft Year 6 Delivery Plan

The delivery plan incorporates the priorities identified by the partnership board at away days in July, September and December.

The Delivery Plan consultation process will be completed by 15th February 2006, and thereafter the Chair will be meeting with the Vice Chair, Chief Executive and Acting Programmes Director regarding the issues raised in the consultation process and how they will be addressed.

What we decided?

To welcome the progress being made in consulting with the community to develop the Delivery Plan.

To receive a final version for approval at the February Board meeting.

To meet on 15th March to approve the Delivery Plan if there are major revisions as a result of comments from Government Office Yorkshire & Humber.

To delegate the task of approving the Delivery Plan to the BNDfC Chief Executive if there are no major revisions as a result of the comments from Government Office Yorkshire & Humber.

This document was last modified on 2007-07-08 19:46:33.