Important business for students

Business award 2
Business award 2

Budding entrepreneurs from Burngreave were given the chance to find out all they need to know about starting and running a business at a unique event.

Nearly 60 business students from secondary schools serving the area attended The Burngreave Enterprise Event, sponsored by BNDfC and Business Link South Yorkshire, to talk to local entrepreneurs, discuss ideas with 25 different business support agencies and learn about the funding that is available to them for enterprising ideas.

To inspire them, the young people were given two different competitions to enter. A general knowledge quiz had them grilling the advisors which resulted in three students winning £20 book tokens. The schools were then asked to design a logo for the Burngreave Business Forum, with top design agency MM Design judging the competition. Firth Park won the competition which means their students will now spend time with MM Design on work experience.

Jon Cowley, BNDfC Education Theme Manager, said: “The event was a resounding success for young entrepreneurs. Our aim is to work with schools to encourage enterprise in the Burngreave community and nurture enterprise at all levels so we develop thriving businesses in Burngreave that play a full role in boosting area.”

To conclude the day of enterprise, the second annual Burngreave Business Awards were held to celebrate Burngreave’s business success.

There were six awards up for grabs with six winners, two businesses highly commended and eleven commended. Definitely a day to make Burngreave proud!

Deputy Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Cllr Jackie Drayton was full of praise for the awardwinning businesses saying: “These businesses represent the true entrepreneurial spirit of Burngreave and are just one reason why the area is on the up.”

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The content on this page was added to the website by Nawar Alawi on 2007-07-03 17:40:27.
The content of the page was last modified by Nawar Alawi on 2007-07-08 19:44:50.

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