Residents win safer roads campaign

Grimesthorpe residents have succeeded in their six year campaign for traffic calming measures on Grimesthorpe Road and Carwood Road.

Burngreave New Deal for Communities have now agreed the funding of £315,000 for the scheme. Andy Godson from the Council says that this scheme is now “definitely a definite” and “is expected to start on site in late September to early October 2006”.

Pat Eckhardt, a local resident is “really pleased that something is going to be done at last” but, following the recent consultation event at the Cornerstone, is still worried that the Council did not listen to her about children crossing at the dangerous Torbay Road corner to go to Firvale School.

I talked to Andy again who said that this corner and children crossing had been a real concern to them but that technically, because of the camber of the road, it is difficult to put in a crossing that would meet safety standards. Instead the whole scheme has been designed to slow and reduce traffic at this point. Other changes that have been made based on residents’ suggestions include more variety between humps and cushions, and a crossing hump where the round walk crosses Grimesthorpe Road.

An additional £150,000 was also agreed at the meeting to cover a traffic calming scheme on Ellesmere Road, which will go out for consultation as soon as plans are drawn up. Its main aim is to make it safer to cross the road to the bus stops, nursery and open space.

Other road safety schemes currently being planned for the area include one on Burngreave Road/Catherine Road which is funded by the Better Buses Project and a small scheme on Barnsley Road/Osgathorpe Road funded by the Area Panel. The plan for the Pitsmoor Road/Rutland Road junction will not now go ahead because it will cost over £200,000 to install new traffic lights that allow for pedestrians.

If you want any more information about either the Ellesmere or Grimesthorpe and Carwood traffic calming schemes then contact Andy Godson 273 4479.

The final date for consultation for the Grimesthorpe and Carwood traffic calming scheme is Monday 5th June 2006.

by Clare Burnell

This document was last modified on 2007-03-17 20:48:56.