Grimesthorpe Inquiry

Outline planning applications to build houses on the north side of Smithies Field, next to Grimesthorpe Road, were refused by the Council last November, because the Council considers this land to be a greenfield site, partly open space and having trees on it which are subject to tree preservation orders (see Messengers for September 2005, October 2005 and November 2005).

The Council argues that there are plenty of unused brownfield (previously built on) sites in Sheffield, and that this area is visually attractive.

The applicants, Redwall Developments, are appealing against this decision. The appeal will be held in public, but no date has yet been given. Anyone who wants their views on this application to be considered must send comments by Thursday 8th June 2006 (details below).

An earlier outline application for development of another area, to the east and nearest the existing houses on Grimesthorpe Road was granted in May 2005.

Meanwhile Redwall have submitted another outline application, covering both the area for which they already have permission, and part of the area for which permission has already been refused.

Redwall argue that new housing is needed in Sheffield for single people. They argue that this site, although it was very overgrown (or was until they cleared it), used to have buildings on it. Not all the land is affected by tree preservation orders.

Local resident Pat Eckhart argues that the very dense development proposed for the east area is inappropriate, because of the lack of local facilities. Grimesthorpe Road is bordered by mature trees which make it seem like a pleasant country lane.

On their website, Redwall say the their housing projects are ‘increasingly “green” – featuring photovoltaic electricity systems, rainwater recycling, low energy designs.’

Redwall is a Rotherham company which specialises in working with housing associations. Their website is:

If you want your views to be considered, send three copies of what you want to say, to arrive by 8th June 2006, to: The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/18a, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN.

Be sure to quote references APP/J4423/A/06/2011978/NWF and APP/J4423/A/06/2012014/NWF.

by Andrew Green

Document Links

September 2005
Index page for the September 2005 issue of the Burngreave Messenger.
October 2005
Index page for the October 2005 issue of the Burngreave Messenger.
November 2005
Index page for the November 2005 issue of the Burngreave Messenger.
This document was last modified on 2007-05-11 12:21:08.