Braving the rain for Environment Day

Another successful Environmental Day was organised by Green City Action on Sunday 21st May 2006 in Abbeyfield Park.

Local people braved the rain to browse round the various stalls. The theme was the environment and recycling.

A stall in the park for Environmental Day
A stall in the park for Environmental Day

People were encouraged to join the Tool Bank, where they can borrow a variety of tools and gardening equipment. Local gardeners had donated an array of plants for sale and hanging baskets were made up and sold for a very reasonable price, subsidised by the Area Panel.

It was a real family day out. Dozens of children queued in the rain to have their bicycles checked at the cycle MoT. Burngreave Children’s Centre helped toddlers decorate plant pots and plant seeds in the shelter, built last year by local young people.

Goats relaxing in the park.
Goats relaxing in the park.

The football was rained off, but we were entertained by the Junk Percussion Workshop, with Bongo Bert Rogers and Travis. The children loved making a variety of instruments, from drums to a saxophone, all recycled out of rubbish! Other recycling took place with children making butterflies out of old plastic folders.

A show garden was created, by Grimesthorpe Community Gardens, hopefully this will be on full display at the Abbeyfield Festival in the summer.

A recycling stall
A recycling stall

The Community Foresters were also there, encouraging people to take part in their free plant a tree in your garden scheme and the popular tree trail walks.

Delicious food was provided by the New Roots Café, a wide range of organic snacks like burritos and homemade cakes alongside Betty’s Famous Teas and Cakes.

by Michelle Cook

A popular stall
A popular stall
This document was last modified on 2007-03-11 17:54:12.