Community in shock after shooting

The recent death of a young man from the Pakistani community has shocked and in many ways shook up the people of Burngreave.

Ibrahim Ilyas, who was only 20, was shot at 6pm, Saturday 3rd June 2006, on Abbeyfield Road. Two hours earlier residents witnessed a large group of young Asian men arguing. The police dispersed the fight but later shots were fired into the car Ibrahim was in with friends, and he was killed. Four young men were arrested the next day, and Mohammed Ali, aged 24 of Osgathorpe Road, was charged with his murder.

All members of the different communities of Burngreave share the grief of Ibrahim’s family. Many issues and questions have risen from this tragic incident. For some people it’s quite simply a shock to their system – a young Pakistani man shot dead on a Saturday afternoon in broad daylight makes one wonder: ‘what next?’

An estimated 1,000 people attended the funeral, over a half of these being young people from all over Sheffield. Many commented on the strength of the sermon from the Imam, Maulana Shoaib Desai, who spoke very strongly, setting out the actions needed to be taken in order for young Pakistani Muslim people to feel empowered; warning of the perils of drug dealing and calling on parents to encourage young people to take up education and training.

(Story coverage by members of the editorial team including: Asma Ali, Sonia Bartley, Ian Clifford, Naheem Hanif and Lisa Swift).

This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 11:18:54.