Youth Council elected

The results of the first Burngreave Youth Council elections have been announced, and the Messenger was at Verdon Recreation Centre on Friday 24th November to hear the outcome.

During the election campaign, the Messenger heard young people raise a number of issues: the need for more leisure services for young people like sports activities, a fitness club and a social club. The need to prevent crime by providing diversionary activity for young people through extending the hours of youth centre opening. Other issues raised included lack of career support, training opportunities, youth clubs and separate youth provision for boys and girls to mention a few.

Mohamed Ahmed, 18, was among those elected: “I nominated myself because I want to make a stab at improving Burngreave for the youth. I think it’s a great idea, Rob, that will allow us and other youths to voice our concerns.” Zahara Hussain and Naurin Fatima were nominated by the Young Adults’ Action Forum based inside Earl Marshal Connexions Centre.

“I’m here to represent the views of all local young people within our community,” said Zahara. “One of my main objectives is to remove territorial boundaries and implement CCTV in no-go areas.”

Fagr Alafif, 16, explained the idea to help the youths was positive: “Especially to keep us off the streets and into environments where we can get together, work and look to our futures.” Fagir nominated himself on 4th November at the Burngreave Bonfire celebration on Petre Street.

Zanumb Bibi informed us that it all began for her because of a fight in school. After a visit from BNDfC Engagement Officer, Leroy Betts, they formed a group called Burngreave Youth For Peace. “When Zain Abdulla attended one of our meetings and explained this idea, as the Chair of BYFP I’m now standing for a position on this Youth Council.” Zanumb believes this will help many young people keep out of trouble and crime as well as helping to improve society itself.

Congratulations to those elected: Haseena Hussain, Jihad Hanash, Billal Ahmed, Fagr Alafif, Mohamed Ahmed, Mohammed Qasem, Naurin Fatima, Sameera Hanash, Zahra Ryana Hussain, Mahd Al-Salafi, Bassan Yosif, Zanumb Bibi, Khuram Hussain, Rochelle Bennette, Afrah Al-Kaleili and Mohammed Wilson. 719 votes were cast.

by Derrick Okrah & Rob Smith

This document was last modified on 2014-04-15 16:11:31.