Aaaahhh! Fireworks

Fireworks display
Fireworks display
Fireworks display
Fireworks display

Saturday 4th November saw the now annual firework display on Petre Street.

Hundreds attended the free event, organised by New Deal’s Engagement Team, which boasted fairground rides, food stalls and a music tent where live music kept everyone entertained between the two displays.

The younger and more sensitive audience was treated to a sustained display of quiet, but no less impressive, fireworks first.

Following at 8pm, a spectacular display had the crowd oohing and aahing as they craned their necks skyward.

All throughout a huge bonfire was kept burning with all manner of bits and pieces being thrown onto it by willing volunteers.

Altogether a great event and one which should only get more popular over the years.

by Ange Whichelow

This document was last modified on 2007-02-04 21:13:38.