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December 2006 Issue 67
Issue 67, December 2006

- Spital Hill Upheaval
Spital Hill has been closed since September 2005, as the inner relief road is built. A year on, businesses still suffer from the effects of reduced access and in the last month it has got worse as parking bays are put in place as part of the Better Buses scheme.
- BCAT folds
On Friday 10th November 2006, the doors of Burngreave Community Action Trust (BCAT) were closed for ever. The Trustees told members that they had decided to put the company into voluntary liquidation because it cannot by reason of its liabilities continue its business. It is understood BCAT owed BNDfC a sum of around £80,000, which it was unable to pay back.
- Youth Council elected
The results of the first Burngreave Youth Council elections have been announced, and the Messenger was at Verdon Recreation Centre on Friday 24th November to hear the outcome.
- Walk for Kashmir
Cllr Ibrar Hussain is raising funds for a ‘Burngreave Room’ at Sheffield Girls’ College in Bagh, Pakistan – the devastated area in the recent earthquake. Each room costs about £1,600.
- Galloways seek return
Following the victory of local resident Nellie Ramsey, saving the last wavy-roofed houses, the Messenger has been following the plight of the Galloway family.
- Carwood Mini Market
The Mini Market is open again to serve the Carwood Community, selling fresh bread, milk, groceries and cigarettes.
- Residents call for action on Firshill Road
Firshill Road residents expressed their anger at the drug dealing on their road, and their frustration that police action had had little effect in stopping it, at a meeting with police and Councillors in November.
- Sensitive Community Policing?
Burngreave residents have shown their support for police operation Gulliver, a forty-day operation, using Section 60 powers to stop and search anyone police suspected of carrying drugs, knives and guns. The operation has made 51 arrests, recovering stolen vehicles, drugs, large amounts of cash and a firearm. However, some questions have been raised about how the operation has, on occasion, been pursued.
- Woodside proposals won’t meet needs
Around 200 homes planned for Woodside are under discussion by the Masterplan New Housing Group, but with only 15–20% affordable homes included the development is unlikely to meet the housing needs of Burngreave.
- Skinnerthorpe want affordable homes
Residents of Skinnerthorpe have written to Councillor Weldon, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, to ask for more information about how they will be rehoused. The Council have promised that residents displaced by demolition under the Masterplan can stay in Burngreave if they wish and that residents affected will not be worse off.
- Training Award
South Yorkshire Women’s Development Trust has been ‘Highly Commended’ in the recent National Training Awards. The voluntary organisation set up the Burngreave based ‘Women’s Construction Centre’ in a derelict space above the Hindu Cultural Centre on Buckenham Street and has been helping to give new skills to women.
- With one voice
A new approach is being taken to create a Somali forum for the Somali organisations in Sheffield. Burngreave-based resident, Ahmed Hassan, has been actively campaigning for the Somali community and describes why he felt the need for this type of organisation.
- Football review
The under 18s football team, Burngreave Canklow Crusaders, is currently attracting attention, and looks well placed for promotion…
Earl Marshall under 11s make a good start to their first season…
Burngreave Under 10s are once again holding their own…
- Aaaahhh! Fireworks
Hundreds attended the now annual free firework display on Petre Street, Saturday 4th November 2006, and boasted fairground rides, food stalls and a music tent.
- Ponies at Parkwood
An event organised by Parkwood Springs Steering Group brought new visitors to Little Pear Tree Field all day on Sunday 29th October 2006.
- Tim’s trees planted
Three street trees were planted in Page Hall in November 2006 by local residents from the Page Hall Community Association, young people from Fir Vale School, Green City Action, Greenwatch and the SCC Community Forester.
- Graduations
On Friday 17th November 2006, four workers from Burngreave graduated from Sheffield Hallam University.
- Past, present & future
This month marks a milestone for the Burngreave Messenger – the end of the present New Deal funded project and hopefully, the start of a new project. If the new project gets approved by the New Deal Board on 29th November, the Messenger will produce fewer editions per year but have a new focus on supporting volunteers, developing the new Messenger website and getting independent funding.
- David gets medal at last!
Local resident, David Mowat, was recently presented with a medal by the Lord Mayor for serving as a soldier in the Suez Canal Zone in the 1950s. Here he tells us his story…
- Green City Action news
Nottingham Cliff has been gradually transformed from an overgrown dumping space…
A nearly new toy sale will be held at Abbeyfield Park House on Saturday, 16th December 2006…
- Arabic Language School
The Arabic Language School at Firvale Centre, founded and supported by the Yemeni Community, is threatened with closure as funding dwindles.
- A walking bus?
Every morning now, starting from Grimesthorpe Road North and boldly striding its way up is a new way for children to get to school. What is it you may ask, this pied piper enticing our children…?
- Dear Messenger...
Letters from our readers. All the letters this month are in response to Umm A’tika's letter about the Muslim veil (or niqaab) published in our November edition.
- Messenger Editorial
The collapse of BCAT is a lesson to all community and voluntary sector organisations to ensure that all their expenditure is covered by budgets, and raises that question of who will manage New Deal’s considerable assets after the end of the programme.
- A New Deal for Burngreave
Do you have a good idea for a community activity in Burngreave, or need money to help start your new business? There are three ways in which you may be able to access money to help turn your idea into a reality.
Get involved with the plans for Vestry Hall
Business marketing workshops
Children's Festive Party
Diary dates
- Burngreave Area Panel
Latest news from the Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel, including:
With colleagues from Street Force, Green City Action and Sheffield Homes, the Area Panel has been looking at three options to maintain a clean and tidy environment.
The latest about the Northern General and parking/transport issues.
Plans for the upcoming New Year Awards.
Councillors’ surgery dates.
- Promotions
Content from the December issue of the Messenger promoting local community services and events.
- Jobs
Jobs advertised in December 2006. Please check closing dates.
- Carwood Estate's Green Heating
The new ‘biomass’ district heating boiler on Carwood Estate, which burns wood as a fuel source, was officially launched on Tuesday 28th November 2006.
- Winding Up BCAT
On December 6th 2006, members of BCAT formally wound up the organisation and appointed the liquidator. The Messenger attended the creditors' meeting afterwards, at which information about the final financial position, and the events leading up to to the liquidation, was presented by the liquidator, Tracy Ann Taylor of Abbey Taylor Ltd, insolvency practioners.
- BCAF meeting announced
A BCAF Special General Meeting is to be held on 16th December 2006 to discuss the consequences for BCAF following the closure of BCAT.
- Transforming the Vestry Hall
Local photographer, Richard Hanson, records the progress of work on the Vestry Hall.
- Response to 'Sensitive Community Policing?'
Response from Sergeant Simon Leake of the New Deal Police Team, to the complaint about the attitude of officers during the recent operation Gulliver and the use of stop and search.
- Support for African Caribbean students
As part of their social aims, SYAC has set up an Education Trust to support four African Caribbean students annually
- Festive Party date change
The date for the festive party has been changed to the 16th December.
- Green City Action AGM
The AGM of Green City Action will be held at Abbeyfield Park House on Saturday 27th January starting at 11.00am.
- Printed issue content
List of articles that appeared in the December 2006 print and PDF version of the Messenger.
- Website exclusives
Those articles that are exclusive to the website, and not in the print or PDF edition.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Annie Blindell
2006-11-29 11:03:56.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2012-02-23 15:27:20.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email:
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.