Passion for boxing

Story by Brent Moya

Muhssen Nasser, a 19-year-old welterweight (class) boxer has been professional since he turned 18 last year. Having grown up on Lopham Street in Burngreave, Muhssen has always held a strong interest in the sport and boxed as an amateur from the age of 12.

With the full support of his family and with his two brothers aged 22 and 16 years also heavily involved, there is much hope for Muhssen’s future. His friend Rafiq Saleh, from Burngreave Sports Network, explained Muhssen’s passion for boxing and how the community of Burngreave has in its hands a rare opportunity to play a pivotal role in his hopes of long-term success.

“Our aim is to promote Muhssen’s profile within Burngreave; he hopes to bring something back into this community and to channel the energy into other youngsters.”

It is vital that the youth in Burngreave, and in Sheffield, witness for themselves the likes of Muhssen, because he is living proof that achievement in sports can be done, regardless of your background.

With a total of 37 bouts under his belt, including nine wins out of nine professional fights and having fought all over Europe, including Spain, Italy and Ireland, it certainly suggests that he has the talent to become a top-class boxer even at his tender age.

All the way to the top

Muhssen is very passionate about what he does and looks up to boxers such as Muhammed Ali and Sugar Ray Robinson as his inspiration, his aim is to carve out a career in boxing. “I would like to go all the way to the top,” said Muhssen.

Aside from boxing Muhssen is also in full-time education and plans to attend university in September. These added financial constraints mean he will need to bring in more money to support his boxing career. When Muhssen is not at college he is training at the gym or praying. He keeps his head down and he trains like he prays – religiously.

Despite the excellent progress being made by Muhssen, with no profile and no sponsorship it will be hard for him to keep moving in the right direction. “We are looking for sponsorship for Muhssen so he can use the money to buy new equipment such as gloves and boots and to pay various other costs.”

This money would take some of the pressure of his shoulders as at present he has just enough to live on. Any one interested in providing sponsorship should contact Muhssen on 0778 366 0356.

This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 04:43:21.