Response to the proposed North Sheffield Better Buses project

Dear Messenger

I am writing in response to the proposed North Sheffield Better Buses project. The proposals do not take into account the fact that the bus lane on Burngreave Road and the relocation of the bus stop would actually create traffic problems.

A nuisance will be caused in numerous ways, such as: noise pollution from buses; invasion of privacy due to close proximity of buses to the properties; difficulty in entering and exiting property due to numbers of passengers; litter/graffiti being a constant problem for residents; abusive language from persons waiting at the bus stop; damage to residents’ properties by persons who are loitering at the bus stop.

Having lived on Burngreave Road for over 25 years I believe the proposals would be a huge step backwards. I would ask the planning officials to reconsider the proposals.

Mr Zulfkhar Ali, Burngreave Road

This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 11:07:38.