Concerns about the proposed bus lane

Dear Messenger

Essentially I think that the Better Buses proposals are a good idea, as there is much need for improvement in buses getting past Spital Hill. But as a resident of Burngreave Road, where the proposed bus lane will be, I have some concerns.

The Council say the bus lane will reduce congestion; I don’t think that this is possible. The congestion will just be displaced and held at the light on Burngreave Road, where there is currently never any congestion.

I am also concerned that the parking planned for Burngreave Road will frequently be unavailable to residents, such as when there are Church events, Ramadan, meetings at Arches’ Housing or community groups. At least this is an acknowledgement that the clearway is not working for residents. I have already paid £90 in fines for being parked there at 8.15am when there is no traffic at all, on one of the widest roads in Sheffield, when people get away with parking on the pavements in Spital Hill. I parked there because there is sometimes nowhere else to park or unload.

I’m concerned that the congestion on Burngreave Road will mean I can’t get to the house or leave the parking area. Otherwise, I think it’s a good idea.

Nicholaus Hall

This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 11:10:38.